Petti Pulp Fiction



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Author unknown: If you would like to take credit for this work, please contact us--credit is given where credit is due. No copyright notice was posted.

Edited by Paige S.

Judy Thomas was one of the finest behaved kids that you could ever hope to find anywhere; she was courteous, kind hearted, and very obedient. You could say that she was a model child. She was just going on fifteen when her life began.

On the other hand, for Jody Thomas, Judy's other self, during his whole life, there was only one thing that bothered him: No matter how hard he tried, there was just nothing he could do right for his widowed mother. He understood that she had gone through some very hard times after his father died, and that for some reason, she was taking it out on him, for something he had no part in the making. Her methods of punishment were something that were hard for Jody to understand or deal with, for whatever offense he was accused of doing or not doing, his mother would always punish him by making him dress up completely as a little girl, with the taffeta dresses, stiff petticoats, white stockings, and patent leather little-girl style shoes. Then he would have to spend that time playing little girl games, or play with girls' toys. It was his mother's way of taking her revenge out on the men of the world, and showing how she felt about them. She was trying to destroy Jody's chance of ever becoming a man by feminizing him as much as possible, and treating him much better when he was dressed up like a girl than as a boy.

Jody was only three when his father died, and from that time on, Mrs. Thomas kept him dressed up as a girl all the time. When he became seven, and it was time for him to attend school, she had to send him as a boy, but when he got home, the pants and shirt would come off and he would be put into pretty frilly dresses and made to play with his dolls. He was never allowed to play with the other kids from the neighborhood, or from school.  So, for the most part, Jody really didn't know any better, and enjoyed being with his mother.

As Jody approached the age of ten or eleven, he began to question his mother about having to dress up as a girl. She would tell him that since he was such a bad boy all the time, it was her way of punishing him, without hitting him. But a few months after that his mother was almost forced to forget her idea of keeping him in dresses. His friends were starting to show up around the house, and Jody said he was going to tell the teacher at school what he had to do every time he got home. This made her a little nervous. So she let him become a boy, doing things with other boys. Every once in a while, Mrs. Thomas would catch him doing something, no matter how minor it might have been, and she would dress him up in a dress and make him stay in the house for that day. She got away with this at least twice a week for the next four or five years.

Jody was getting bigger, and learning more about what real life was about, and her chances to dress him up got fewer and fewer, until one day just after he turned fifteen, he stole something from a candy store and got caught. This was now Mrs. Thomas's chance to really get him good. It had been several months since she had given him petticoat punishment, and the clothes she used then were now just too small. On the way to the store to pick her son up, she stopped at a girl's dress shop and bought several dresses; then she went to several other stores to buy underwear, stockings, shoes, and everything she was going to need to start her plan in motion. Then she went to the store to pick him up. Once in the store, she apologized to the owner, and paid for what he got caught taking, and promised that he would never ever steal anything again. Then she took Jody by the scruff of the neck, and dragged him to her waiting car, opened the door and pushed him inside.

As they drove the short distance to the house, Jody saw the bags of things in the back seat and knew the labels all too well. His mother was telling him that this was the last straw, he was really going to pay for this stunt. He was going to be put back into dresses, and she didn't care who he told about it. In fact, she was going to call the school herself, and explain what had just happened, and make the proper arrangements, and get permission from the principal to register and send him to school as a girl for the rest of the school year, and maybe longer if necessary.

Jody didn't really think that she would go that far, but as soon as they got into the house, she sent Jody to his room, then picked up the phone and talked to the principal, explaining all the trouble she had been having with Jody, and how she wanted to punish him with petticoat training, and end the problems she was having with her son by sending him to school in dresses to shame him in to doing the right thing--before it was too late to help him.

The principal told her that since the problem was so severe that arrangements would be made, and he was sure that starting tomorrow he would be able to attend school registered as a girl. Mrs. Thomas called Jody out of his room and told him what arrangements had been made. Jody was horrified when his mother told him what was going to happen to him. He had only been  shoplifting the things to get in with the guys, and he explained just how wrong and how sorry he was for doing it.

Mrs. Thomas wasn't even listening to his pleas. She just gathered up her packages and bags and led Jody to his room. She got a clothes basket and emptied his drawers, closet, and laundry bag of all his boy's clothes. Then she opened up the bags and boxes and took out some of the frilliest and most feminine clothes Jody had ever seen and put them away into his drawers and hung the dresses up in his closet.

When she was finished putting his pretty new frilly wardrobe away, she turned to him and ordered him to strip completely naked. Jody turned to run for the door, but Mrs. Thomas grabbed him by the arm, and flung him across the room. Jody landed with a heavy thud against the far wall. Mrs. Thomas was still a very strong woman and Jody knew that she could really hurt him if she wanted to.

Jody got up slowly and began removing all his clothes. When he was naked,  Mrs. Thomas took up the clothes and threw them in the hallway along with his other male things. His mother then went over to his drawer and took out a pair of pinklace-trimmed nylon panties, gave them to Jody, and told him to put them on. As he was doing that, she took out a matching colored bra, with seamless cups and two foam rubber pads and gave them to him. She didn't have to say a word. Jody just slipped the thing on like a real girl would, then placed the foam pads into the cups, which filled the small B cups very nicely.

Next came a pink garterbelt and a pair of beige, thigh-high seamless stockings. He slipped on the beribboned garter belt, then rolled the stockings up his legs and fastened the tops of them to the shiny silver slide hooks. A pink satin slip was then pulled over his head, and the thin shoulder straps were adjusted so that the slip hung on him properly, about mid-thigh. Next came a pair of black patent high-heeled pumps with three-inch heels. He slipped the glistening feminine shoes on to his feet, then tried to stand up. This was the very first time that he had ever worn shoes with heels that high and his balance was a little off. He almost fell over twice, but after taking a few minutes to get used to the new height of them and a few practice steps, he finally managed to walk in them well enough to finish getting dressed. He was getting better with each step as he got used to the unfamiliar height of them.

Once his mother saw that he could manage walking in black shiny high heels, she took the dress out from the closet that she wanted him to wear, and a stiff white ruffled petticoat. As she had him step into it, it rustled noisily as he pulled on the elastic waist band, trying to get it in place around his waist.  Then she opened the zipper down the back of the pink taffeta dress and helped pull it over his head, and adjusted the skirt around the white heavily ruffled petticoat, then zipped the frilly little girl's taffeta party dress up the back and tied the wide waist ties into a large bow at the small of his back.

Jody looked at himself in the mirror and could see how weird he looked. He was wearing high-heeled shoes, stockings, a petticoat that made the skirt of his dress stand almost straight out, and worst of all it was a little-girl's-style taffeta party dress, with a white lace Peter Pan collar, and short white lace trimmed puffy sleeves. He turned to face his mother, and told her that he didn't mind her dressing him up like a girl, but this was just too embarrassing for even her to want him to wear.

She told him that as long as she was in charge, then things would be done her way, without question or he would be going to school in diapers. She took him to her room and sat him down in front of her makeup mirror, and began doing his make up and hair. She took his face in her hands and studied his features well, then took up the eyebrow tweezers and removed the unwanted hair on his brows, shaping them into a very feminine style; then, with a brown eyebrow pencil, she darkened them in and shaped them the way she thought they should be. Next she applied several coats of black mascara to his naturally-long eyelashes. Then, with an eyeliner brush, she coated the edge of his lower lid with a single stroke. A blue eye shadow was put on his upper eyelids, then blended and toned to perfection. A streak of pink blusher was put on each of his cheeks, and blended with a tissue. Using a glossy hot pink lipstick, she shaped and filled in his soft lips, giving him a sweet pouty little-girl look. She stood back from him, just a little, and studied her creative work. She seemed to be happy with the effect she had created. Taking up her brush and curling iron, she styled his long over-the-shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair, teasing it and giving it body and style. When she was finally finished, she took a large pink velvet bow and fastened it to back of his beautifully styled hair.

She pulled him to his feet and turned him around so that he could see himself in the full length mirror on the wall. He was amazed at how well he looked. His makeup was done so that he looked like a young teenage girl.  His legs looked great with his stockings and high heeled pumps, glistening in the room light. The short length of the skirt excited him, exposing even more of his stockinged legs, to at least mid-thigh.  But the dress was that of a little girl, which was not to his liking. The stiff white petticoat rustled loudly if he made any movement at all. This made him more aware of the fact that he was now wearing a dress. It was like an irritating noise to his ears.

His mother looked at him, then told him that this is what he would wear to school tomorrow if he gave her any trouble whatsoever while he was being punished. This would also go for the entire time over the punishment period. She told him that she bought him a different style of clothes for him to wear to school, but just one remark or comment about what she was doing to him, and he would go to school dressed as a little eight-year-old girl every day for the rest of the school year. Otherwise, as long as he cooperated, he was still going to school dressed as a girl, but as a young teenage girl, not a baby.

She told him that he was to stay dressed in that outfit for the rest of the day, and get used to his new high heels, for he was going to wear high heels every other day to school.  He was also to act like a girl, and would do the things the other girls did, and do it with them. If he didn't want to have the guys find out that he was really a boy, then he had better be good at being a girl. He also had been switched from shop class to home economics class, where he was going to learn to make his own dresses, how to cook and clean, and how to take care of a house properly. She also told him that on the weekends when he didn't have any dates with boys, he was to dress up as a French Maid and take care of, and be his mother's personal maid.

Starting as of this minute, and for the next few months, her son did not, and would not, exist; he would now be known as Judy Thomas, Jody's cousin who had come to help take care of Jody's mother until Jody came back, from wherever he was sent away to, for stealing.

To earn extra money to pay for more pretty dresses, and extra finery, since he was going to be buying his own feminine clothing for him to wear from now on, he would, starting in a couple of days, work at several of the his mother's friends' homes, cleaning, tending to parties as a French Maid, and doing whatever they wanted done. But most important for him, he was to be a perfect young lady at all times, and that no one was to know that he was Jody and not Judy. She told him that anything that happened after that would be up to the way he conducted himself as a young lady. Jody was in tears. With the school behind his mother, there was nothing he could do but go along with whatever she said, and try to make the best of it.

His mother sat him back down at her vanity, and took his hands in hers and manicured his nails, coating them with a glossy hot pinknail polish that matched his lipstick, leaving him with perfectly shaped, long glossy nails and very feminine-looking hands. She retouched his make up on his face, where his tears smeared his mascara and eyeliner. Then took him by his soft feminine-looking hands and led him back into the living room, where she made him walk back and forth until he got his stride right and was walking the way a proper young lady should.

The unfamiliar height of the three-inch glistening black pumps was causing his feet to hurt a little, and he mentioned it to his mother. She told him that it was the price that we girls have to pay if we want to look sexy and attract the boys. After about ten minutes more of walking back and forth, his mother finally gave him a break and let him sit down next to her on the sofa, but not without proper instruction, telling him how a young lady wearing such a short skirt should do it, especially when she chooses to wear such a stiff petticoat under such a short dress, unless she really wanted the boys to see the pretty pink lace-trimmed panties that he was wearing. Then she asked him if he was that kind of a girl. He answered her, telling her, " No, Mother, I'm not. I'm not even a girl."

Mrs. Thomas turned and looked hard at her son, and told him that from now on he WAS a girl, and that he was to call her ma'am or Aunt Alice and nothing else.

Jody just nodded his head, and said, "Yes, Aunt Alice."  He would try to remember.

At the dinner table, Mrs. Thomas gave Jody a couple of purple pills to take, and told him that they were vitamins. He would be taking them three times a day until this ordeal was over. They had dinner, although Jody didn't eat much. Then he slipped on the white ruffled-edge pinafore and was made to clear the table, do the dishes, and sweep up the floor while his mother, sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of coffee, watched and directed his every move.

When Jody was finished, she told him how nice it was having her pretty young niece staying with her, and to find her so sweet and willing to help out with everything that had to be done around there. Jody was still wearing his high-heeled pumps, and his feet were in pain. All he wanted to do was to sit and rest a while. But his mother had other plans. Until bed time, she told him, he was going to learn how to dance like a girl. Then she put on some soft music, and took her son in her arms, and for over an hour she was teaching him how to dance the girl's part in both slow and fast dances. By the time he finally got to his room, he was really tired. His mother had laid a pretty royal-blue nylon shortie nightgown set for him to wear to bed. He just looked at it with dismay, and slipped it on and climbed into his bed, and died until morning, with his mother banging on the door telling him to wake up and get ready for school.

He got up and went in to take a shower. By the time he was done and back in his room, his mother had already placed his clothes for school on the bed. She was calling for him to get dressed as fast as he could, and then to come into her room to have his hair and makeup done. Jody put on his white lace bra and panties, pulled the tan-colored pantyhose up his legs, and pulled the lace-trimmed satin slip over his head.  He picked up the blue and white minidress, with the puffy, quarter length, see-through sleeves, and slipped into it. He slipped his stockinged feet into the pair of patent leather, navy-blue skimmers with half-inch heels. Jody found them very comfortable and easy to walk in. His step was light and airy, and he liked the way they felt and looked on him.

He then headed to his mother's room, where he had his makeup put on and his hair styled and blow-dried into almost the same style he had it in last night. She fastened the large white lace bow into his hair, and told him how sweet he looked on his first day of school as a girl. They went downstairs and had breakfast and he took his vitamins.

His mother gave him a shoulder bag to carry. She told him that everything he would need for the day was in there, money for lunch, an extra pair of pantyhose, and his new wallet with all his new identity papers--everything a proper young lady should carry, including a Kotex in a tissue wrapper. On the chair was a new royal-blue wool jacket with large gold buttons. He was going to wear it when they left for school. His mother told him that from now on, she was going to drive him to school, and pick him up when it was over.

After school that day they were going to go shopping, and get some more things for him, so that his wardrobe would be complete. While they were on their way to the school, she told him that she thought it would be a good idea if he went and tried out for the cheerleaders. She was sure he would look really cute in one of those short-skirted sexy outfits, and she knew that it would really turn the boys on. He would have a list that would be endless of all the boys that wanted dates with a pretty young cheerleader like he would make.

Mrs. Thomas pulled up to the school and Jody got out. He could feel the coolness of the air run under his short skirt. He was more aware that he was wearing a dress now than he ever was. The clicking sound that his blue patent leather skimmers made as they hit the sidewalk sounded like thunder to him as he took each step closer to the double doors that led into the school. As he got closer, he could see the principal waiting for him, inside the hallway. He had a smile on his face, and Jody knew that he knew all about what had happened to him. As Jody entered the doors, the man spoke to him, and asked Jody to follow him to his office so that he could make sure that everything was going to go alright on Judy's first day of school. The sound the heels of his skimmers made on the tile floors in the hallway seemed to be even louder to him than it was on the pavement coming in, but it was all in his mind. No one else they passed in the hallway seemed to notice any unusual sound. Once inside the office, the principal commented on how nice he looked, and told him that he really didn't expect to see him dressed up so well and look so good and attractive. He would have no trouble passing himself off as a young teenage girl.

He ran through some of the general rules, and cautioned him that should it be found out that he was a boy and not a girl, some terrible things could happen to him, particularly if the boys in the school found out about him. He was also told that there were several boys attending school here that were under the same arrangement as Jody had, so even though he would not find out who they were, he wanted to let Jody know that he was not alone in his peril. Jody was to have a girl stay with him for the first several days, until he got to know the routine of his new classes scheduled for him now that he was a girl.

As Jody left the principal's office, there was a girl waiting for him. She had Judy's papers and several books for him to go to class with.  Her name was Carol. She was also fifteen years old, and very pretty, with wavy shoulder-length auburn hair hanging down her back and to her left front shoulder. She was wearing a red turtleneck blouse under a checkered blazer, and a blue denim miniskirt. Her legs were shapely and encased in brown nylon stockings. On her feet were a pair of red leather low-heeled shoes with a thin strap that went across the tops of her feet that fastened to a small gold buckle at the side of the shoes. She was wearing makeup, and it was applied very well, and her glossy red pouty lips were the focal point of her whole face. Jody thought she looked like a dream, and if there was a way he could, he would have liked to get to know her better. Carol was very friendly, and very helpful as the day progressed, and by the time school was over, they had become great friends, and they were standing together, talking quietly, while Jody waited for his mother to pick him up from school.

Mrs. Thomas pulled up shortly, and as soon as she saw that Judy was with another girl, she got out of her car, and was introduced to Carol. They made a little small talk for a couple of minutes, then Mrs. Thomas told Carol of the plans she had made for the night, and out of the blue, she invited Carol to spend the night, go shopping, and have dinner out with them. Carol told Mrs. Thomas that she would love to, but she would have to check with her parents to see if it would be alright with them. Jody's mother told her to get in the car, and she would drive her to her house, and if it was alright for her to go, then she could get anything she would need for school the next day, or any of the other things she may need for the evening.

It was only a short drive to Carol's, and she ran into her house and was soon coming back to the car, carrying a small suit case. She put her case in the trunk, and they were soon on their way to Jody's house, and she asked where to put her things.

As soon as that was settled, they all left to go shopping and were soon at the mall. In one of the dress shops, Jody went into one of the dressing rooms and tried on a few dresses, and bought three of them that he really liked. He bought more lingerie, several pairs of shoes, a couple of nightgowns, and one that Carol was just thrilled about. He bought a dozen pair of pantyhose, and another dozen pair of stockings, and several pair of leotards in different colors. Of course these were all bought under the supervision of his mother's watchful eye and the approving nod of her head. This of course was to let Carol believe that Jody was making all her own choices.

They left the mall, stopped in at a small Italian restaurant, and enjoyed a fine breaded veal cutlet and spaghetti dinner. During dinner, Jody and Carol sat next to each other in the small booth. They were close enough that their hips were touching and one could feel the heat from the other's body. It was tough for Jody, because he had a real liking for this girl, and at one point as they were talking Carol shifted a little to face Jody better and her miniskirt lifted up and their thighs and legs touched each other's, causing their stockings to brush against each other, from the thighs to the calves of their legs.

Jody felt his cock instantly go rock hard under his short skirt. He only hoped that it would go away before he had to stand up to leave. Several times Carol placed her hand on Jody's stockinged thigh while they were talking, making matters only worse for him. By the time they were ready to leave for home, Jody luckily had managed to get his cock to go soft again. This friend of his really liked to touch when she talked, and Jody knew that this could turnout to be really bad for him if he kept getting hard-ons just thinking about her.

When they got home, it was time they all took their showers and got dressed up in their nightgowns getting ready to call it a night. Mrs. Thomas took hers first, and she told them both good night and to make sure that they didn't stay up too late watching the television or listening to the tapes.

In a few minutes they were alone together, and Jody and Carol went in to take their showers. Jody went in first, and as soon as he was back into his room, wearing nothing but a towel, he found Carol sitting on his bed waiting for him. Jody was unaware of her being in his room, nor did he expect to see her in there. Jody was in shock. He held the towel up to cover his body, but it was too late. Carol had seen his chest and noticed that her friend Judy didn't have any breasts. As he pulled the towel up to cover his chest, he went too high, and Carol saw what else he was trying to hide. It was now Carol's turn to be shocked, but it only lasted a few seconds. She had heard a rumor that there were several boys attending her school dressed up as girls, but she never knew why, nor had she ever met one, to her knowledge.

Rather than be angry about this situation, she was more curious than anything, and as she sat up on the bed, her skirt rose up her thighs, exposing more of her stockinged legs to Jody's hungry eyes. He just loved the way she looked in her red shoes and tan stockings and her short skirt. He finally tried to speak, but no words were coming out of his mouth, only a small squeak.

Carol motioned for him to sit next to her on the bed, and they could talk. But Jody told her that he would feel better if he put on some clothes first, and Carol jumped up from the bed, only more than willing to help him put something on, and she handed him his stockings and a garter belt. As soon as they were on, she knelt beside him and slipped his feet into a pair of black leather pumps with three-inch heels. Then she opened one of the bags that contained the new nightgowns he had bought that day, and handed him the two-piece yellow lace-trimmed peignoir set with yellow satin ribbons woven through the bodice. Once he had it on, he sat down on his bed.

Carol immediately turned her back to him and started taking off her clothes too, leaving on her bra, and she put on a garter belt, a pair of black stockings, and slipped on a pair of Jody's red patent leather high-heeled pumps with three-inch heels. Then she took another nightgown from a bag and slipped on the red peignoir set with the black ruffled trim around the neck, hem, and cuffs of the long see-through sleeves. She opened her purse and took out her makeup and redid her face, using a heavy coat of her glossy red lipstick. She had Jody come over to the mirror and she put her makeup on him, again using her favorite, red glossy lipstick, after which she took him by his soft manicured hands and led him over to the bed and they sat down together.

Carol asked him what was this all about, and why he was going to school as a girl when he was a boy. Jody told her the whole story, and admitted that he was getting used to it, and that he even sometimes liked it very much, especially the way the soft silky clothes made him feel so great all the time, and how horny he got most of the time while wearing his stockings, slip and panties. Carol told him that when she first met him, there was just something about him that was different than with the other girls, she had met there at the school. She told him that at the restaurant tonight, when she touched his leg against hers, she felt a very strange urge that there was something going to happen between the two of them, but she had no idea that he was a boy, and for that she is grateful, because she didn't want to become a lesbian. Now that she knew that he was really a boy, she felt so much better about having sex with him, but it had to be a while.

Jody was dressed up like a girl, looking so sexy and desirable. With that she placed her hand on his stockinged thigh and slowly rubbed it back and forth, in a heartbeat, his cock sprang up to a rock-hard condition, they could see the hem of his yellow lace-trimmed nightgown rise up as his cock grew harder, then begin to throb, in a rhythmic sort of way. Jody's breathing was getting labored, and as she looked into his eyes, she could tell that this boy was in a real hurt for some real sex. Carol's hand moved off his thigh and gently grabbed hold of his throbbing rock-hard cock, and with her highly-polished long glossy red nails, she gently scratched the shaft of his cock, dragging her hand slowly up the length of his cock. Jody had never felt anything like that in his entire life, it felt so good to him that he lost his breath for a moment, then let out a gentle moan of pleasure. With her other hand, Carol pulled one of the ribbon ends that kept the top of her pink nightie together and as she did, it fell open revealing to Jody a pair of fine-looking firm young breasts with hard nipples and a pink rosette. One look at these lovely young breasts and Jody leaned forward and opened his glossy red lips enough to hold one of her erect young nipples, and gently sucked on it, and licked it with his hot pink tongue. As he did this, his hand shot out and took hold of her firm globe and gently squeezed and massaged it, while his lips and tongue devoured her nipple. Carol was already excited, but when her breasts were getting massaged, it only made her hornier. She pulled her chest away from Jody's eager mouth, and withdrew her own hands from his cock, then sat up straight on the bed and worked her ass off the bed and stood up. She looked down at Jody, still sitting on the bed, then pushed him back on his back. She took hold of one of his legs and as she knelt down on the carpeted floor, she started to lick the top of his stockinged foot and ankle, as her tongue licked and worked its way slowly up his leg, her hands gentle massaged his leg, sending little electric shock waves of excitement through his entire body. Jody had never felt this horny in all his life, he felt like he was just one single nerve ending, that was ready to explode. The closer Carol got to his cock, the more uncontrollable he became, just as he thought she was going to reach him there, she moved away and grabbed the other leg, and went through the same routine with it. Jody felt like screaming, it felt so good to him. But just as she reached his balls, she only kissed the head of his cock with her glossy red lips, leaving a bright glossy red ring on the tip of it. Jody reached for her, but she only pulled away, and she forced him to get on the floor where she was, and she took his place on the bed. She told Jody to do to her what she had just done to him. Jody grabbed one of her ankles and before he knew what happened, he had her squirming all over the bed, as he reached her pussy, he switched to her other leg, and when he reached her hot moist pussy this time he stuck his tongue into it and started to lick and suck the warm juices from it. Carol was almost going insane, but as she felt her load building up and before she shot her cookies, she made him stop. Carol pulled him up on the bed with her, and she climbed on top of his hips, grabbing hold of his cock, she guided it to her hot waiting pussy and then in one thrust she rammed her body down and her pussy engulfed his entire cock in one swift motion. Carol lifted and lowered her body on to his in a slow even place, she knew that it would not take long for either one of them to blow their rocks, and she wanted it to last as long as possible. As the emotions began building in Carol she could no longer control her moves, and she started to move faster and faster, until finally she blew her load. Jody's load followed a heartbeat later, and as she sat on top of Jody resting, Jody could feel their love juices running down between his legs, to the crack of his ass, finally to drip on the bed, making a small puddle on the sheets. Carol rolled off of Jody and laid next to him, and they embraced each other tenderly, and began kissing, gently at first, then with passion. They held each other tightly, and after awhile they decided that they had better clean up and get some sleep.

The next morning, Jody got dressed in a yellow minidress with white lace trim at the pointed collar and the cuffs of the short puffy sleeves, his white leather high-heeled pumps with a two-inch heel, and a large white lace bow in his beautiful hair. He did make a lovely girl. Carol was dressed in a maroon minidress with black trim at the waist and collar, and a pair of black patent leather high-heeled pumps with two-inch heels. This was also the first time she had ever worn a large bow in her hair. It was made of black satin and really accented the dress she was wearing.

Mrs. Thomas smiled as she watch the two girls together. They were both very beautiful, and if things worked out the way she had planned, Judy would never want to be Jody again. Of course, if he did, there was always something that she could come up with so that she would be able to put him back in dresses, as he would always be punished by Mother's Rules.

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