Petticoat Pond's Petti Pictures


All here enlargeable


(Above) Cloggers on right

(Above) Circle dancers on right


"Here's a site I've visited many times over the years, but especially cute is the gif on the middle right of the home page:

...and then, of course, there is the Photo Album :-)

 Related, sort of, is this fun site": 

 A cute 50s site, not so many petticoats per se, but still fun."


Ed: (above) We often wonder about retro dance images that lack garters and nylons.

This may or may not be retro, but is authentic, to be sure


A pleasant representation of what
ballroom dancing was like in The Era

(The Karlssons)

There is no reason it can't be like that again, but we guess
it is considered that it is not worth the 'trouble', notwithstanding shows like
"Strictly Come Dancing" and "Dancing with the Stars"), which occasionally feature proper dance costumes.  Nothing like this, though.


A bit unclear, but a nice
representation of first-half
20th century fluffy dance wear





PondGirl Allison sends this
of a girl at a 50s-themed dance

Missing the garters...

Allison's CDs     More retro




Joe A.:

"I came across this picture, and I found it irresistible. Why? Perhaps because of the title '1950s Spanish Dancer with Loads of Petticoats.'  Even though her petticoat is just multiple layers of nylon net, knowing that it's from the 'Era', when the petticoats were works of art, just seems to make it more enchanting."



Here's a beautiful example of an Era dance competition gown which departs from the 'norm'

Provided by Jean L.



Retro dancing

Submitted by Jean L.

More retro




A more modern ballroom competition gown - happily it retains some Bouffant



Era ballroom
dance gathering



From a 1970s copy of the
"Ballroom and Dancing Times.







An image from
Ballet Hispanico





From a 1974 issue of
Dance and Ballroom Times


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