Petti Pictures



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A special image from the past, courtesy Ian

A real eyeful!  The average 21st century man and woman little realize how the perceived helplessness
of a lady in hoops and other encumbering clothing advances the elements of femininity and romanticism
(and eroticism!).


November 21, 1959

NFC  Exhibition in Paris

(Oh! The days!)


(below) Mikel has kindly sent us some most charming pictures, images that can perhaps can qualify as historical  record of a lighter time,
when women wore flirty petticoats  (and knew how to!), and men appreciated their femininity...  This is in Paris, 1950 (Seine, of course).
...below  portrays a scene from Paris nightlife in 1947

(below) 1956 football game sent by 50s PondGirl Allison -- take a very close look at the images herein -- how girls went out to
even the most casual events in skirts, and many times, pettis.  No jeans... What halcyon days they were! We miss them so!

A dim and fuzzy memory from petti-wonderful 1958 - sorry,
we could not  make it clearer, but it is worth the post.

This drove us up a wall - Oh! The memories!

Courtesy Larry



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