Petti Pictures



All enlargeable

John N. sends this picture -- women even traveled
on TRAINS en bouffant in the 50s, 
so tight spaces are no excuse!

This was in Canada


(below) Ian sends this image of a 1957 wedding party
Click HERE for a close-up of in what WE are interested

(below) This rather tattered image anonymously crossed our desk.
The dress IS rather charming.


A step into the past from Viola: 
"Here is a picture from a book on New York published in the U.K.  From page 63 -- 'Round Delancey Street every shopkeeper displays his wares in the street: petticoats in all sizes.'

Here is the data from the book: This is New York, by Max Tak, Photos Kees Scherer, An Andre Deutsch Bruna Book:
First published in 1961 by Andre Deutsch Limited, 105 Great Russell Street, London WC 1. (In association with A.W.Bruna & Zoom, Utrecht, Holland.)"



Peter sends this picture from from an old
soccer program dating from the early 60's --
she's the Northampton Football Queen, a small
soccer club in the UK.




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