Fashions of The Fifties and Later/Earlier
Youth Section - Page

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(above) Crop and enlargement of the pertinent part


We do not often see party dresses THIS full,
even in The Era!

Lovely, from Larry
(Kind of even could be a little boy, no?)


Pageant dresses can can be fun. 
Like this one from cute Tiny Miss Maryland

 Pointed out by Ruffles



Cuteness from the Life Library,
turned up by Ken R.
Era children's under-fashions

Photographed by Nina Leen - 1957


 Video:  Extremely cute, exuberant, very poufy little girl and her cute ducks...


Occasionally, we post a picture of a girl who looks like a boy in a dress - it is quite vicarious for us.  
David M. points out a picture of a boy who unabashedly displays his first Easter dress.  Doesn't he look great?


Here is an observation, perhaps of interest:

A late 18th century Hungarian cabinet card depicting three children.  Of course, you will note with interest, the little boy at the right, dressed in female garb, which was traditional for boys at that age (his petticoat appears to be visible under his dress!).  However, his older sister, almost identically dressed, seems to have more pouf to her skirt, which, unlike her brother's, is pleated.
Wonder if that says anything...



In December, 2007, Ken R. noticed this Macy's advertisement (Geez, the way the photos are posed, they appear to have petticoats underneath -
too much to ask for?), and we had also noticed more and more of these in other ads recently. Doesn't appear this caught on with older girls...

Subsequent color ad featuring the black outfit


Dara sends this cute little scene from the
Boris Fair in Ireland (County Carlow)

Nothing like pink on a little girl...

At right is cropped - click for full image



A nice Era group children's picture

Pertinent crop



Larry and we remember May Day celebrations such as this during The Era


"I have strong memories of our school tradition of May celebration; we learned the May Pole dance.  It wasn't easy but, when you screwed up, you could get an arm-full of crinolined girl!" 


From an article entitled "Paris Copies for Little Girls Too" in the 7 Nov 60 issue of Life Magazine, an interesting little girls' dress silhouette.

Sent by Crinolyn


2010 -Crinolyn (interesting read):

"A line of children's clothing called Ooh! La La Couture, promoted by a young Disney star Emily Grace has come under fire for being too adult, and has even been likened to adult lingerie by some critics."      Article


A charming picture of Cary Grant
and a bouffant princess

Courtesy Larry

Pertinent crop


So-called 'pettiskirt' style merchandized earlier this millennium

Pettiskirt Magazine