Fashions of The Fifties and Later
Youth Fashions Section - Catalog pages and images

Some enlargeable

Some of these are fairly large in file size in order to make the text visible

There are some youth catalog pictures in this section, too.

Adult catalog pages

Sears 1961 -- contributed by Cissy Colorized version by Peter         |||||||||||||||///                                                     ////[posted 1/00]
Sears 1963 (color) -- contributed by Lisa, touched up by Angeladd||||||||||||||||///////                                                 /[posted 11/22/99]
Sears - Fall 1961 -- contributed by Cissydd|||                             |||||||||||||///////                                                         /[posted 6/1/00]
Sears - Fall 1961 -- contributed by Cissydd|||                             |||||||||||||///////                                                       /[posted 7/12/00]
Sears - Fall 1961 -- contributed by Cissydd|||                             |||||||||||||///////                                                         /[posted 1/8/03]
Eatons-Canada catalog (Fall-Winter 1960)... en Francais -- contributed by Barbd|||                       /[posted 2/5/03]

Above, from left to right:

1959 unidentified
1961 Sears
Fall/Winter 1962 Simpsons-Sears (French)
Spring/Summer 1963 Simpson-Sears
Spring/Summer 1959 Simpson-Sears


National Bellas Hess Catalog, 1956

Highly enlargeable            From John N.


(above) John N. offers this Canadian Simpson-Sears 1958 Spring Summer
catalog image (click picture for full text)

Page from a German youth fashion catalog

from Crinolyn

This is a crop - click for full page







John N. sent these exceptional pages from the Simpsons-Sears catalog, 1960 (fall-winter)





Sears Christmas 1959

Sent by Matt L.

Adult catalogs



(above two)  Sears, Christmas 1958


Ken R.:

"AsThe Pond shows, some great petticoat images come from publications of The Era. Some people started a very ambitious project to collect the great department store catalogs and scan them. They started with the Christmas versions, hence the Wishbook name in the website (from the Sears Christmas Wishbooks). They haven't added anything to the site for a while for I think obvious reasons - the expense and the massiveness of the project. The site stays up though and Pond lovers should find it interesting to peruse the site. Here is a sample, from the 1955 Spiegel Christmas Catalog (enlarge)."

 See here and here





An intriguing Austrian company catalog cover

(Their site is uniquely designed, but nothing of
our special interest that we can see)

From David M.






Catalog page from
Sears (date unknown)

Frolicking treatment



John N.:

Eatons fall/winter 1960-61 young teen section







Eaton's Misses catalog - spring, summer 1959

Click picture to see descriptions and incredible prices





(below) From unidentified catalogs


Youthful Beauty en Bouffant!

Sears & Roebuck for Easter 1962 out of a McCall's



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