Petti Pictures


All enlargeable


40s minor actress Vicki Campbell, in cheesecake

From Karl K.




"Here is Cari Ann's Flickr page.   There are several (here enlargeable) pictures of her in full skirts, but the best ones are the photos she took for Trash Lolita. 
Click on that link!  I know in the past there's been a couple photos of her on Pettipond. 
[ED: Seems that lately (2020), the pertinent pictures are few and far between, although the photography skills cannot be minimized)]




Ken R. has sent this candid photo of
Judy Garland on the MGM lot

More Judy      More celebrities



(What happened to her bodice?
 The white peek-a-boo ruffles of
her panties make up for it!)

(above two) Dreamie, a model from the now-defunct Karl's Crinie Castle

  (Below) Sugarbarre herself


The same pretty dress scenario --
Two perspectives



A goodie-memory from Ian

Richard P.: "The car is a mildly customized 49 - 52 Mercury.  
The license plate is a 1958 Arizona, the 'Y'  prefix indicates it was issued in
late 1957 or early 1958 in Maricopa County ( Phoenix ) or other surrounding cities."



Well, tulle under an Era skirt is disappointing, but we suspect there is also a
 REAL petticoat under there, the tulle being attached to the skirt of the dress
 for more stand-out appeal.

A desolate landscape to be sure, but her frock surely makes it worth viewing

Courtesy David M.

Richard points out that this is a very rare 1955 Mercury Meteor (Canadian built Ford);
the plate is a 1957 Ontario.


Nigella Lawson in a

2008 Fiat 500 advertisement

Alternate, without car,
from Chiffon


Abby Rhodes  provides this wonderful image from
(American) Elle Magazine, September 2006 issue



Typical Era class
Not much seen these days...   
John French poster

from Dave M.

Christine-Jane adds:

"This brings back happy memories. The model is the incredibly elegant Barbara Goalen, who was one of our top models about the mid-fifties. At that time she weighed 105lb and measured 33-18-31.  Then, before I 'came out', I used to positively drool over photos of this gorgeous lady modelling the incredibly beautiful creations of that time. She died in 2002, aged 81."


Allison writes:

"I found this old picture and scanned it. Her name is Anne Marie ...  I love this picture. It's not too clear but it is very old.  I really
miss those pretty dresses we wore back then. It's 1957."

1957:  And that would be a spanking new car behind her -The Golden Age of the Petticoat <sigh> - just picture her with her pettis
floating in front to her whilst she sat in that car. <sigh x2>  We really misses those days.  She wonders if Allison is only one of the
few that do as well... <sigh x3> Better days...

Comment: "Don't you just love the way that Anne Marie is standing? She just oozes poise and confidence AND femininity! Why can't women today realize that they can be both confident AND feminine?" Don't see much of THAT any more!


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