Japanese Love Dolls                                                                                                                                                All enlargeable

PondGirl Allison writes:

  "These are 'Vogue Jill' fashion dolls, popular, I think, from 1957 to 1963. They are collectable dolls but, I don't collect them. They can get to be very expensive!"   



Here is a yummy doll party frock -
love to see this on a real woman!

The front split is divine...the style was called Polonaise
in the
nineteenth century




Ace points to this Shirley Temple doll offering





The Fashion Doll Chronicles

Steve B. found this great doll picture blog with lots of
 bouffant, including hoops, and 'proper' underpinnings.

(below) More Fashion Doll Chronicles, from David M.


We recommend this page. Pictured is a doll is called "Patio Party"
 and is available with other similar 50s figures.



(above left) "Ravishing Rouge Barbie (two right) "High Tea" Barbie


Sugarbarre points out this artistic photo of 50s Barbie dolls


Barbie in college!
(Wonder which college? M?)

From Crinolyn


From Barbie's 50th Anniversary
at Bloomingdales

Sent by Crinolyn

(above right) 'Tonner' doll


Madame Fifi Miniature Art advertisement at left - appears the picture
 at right might be from the collection, but we are not sure.




Dave M. sent this doll pattern package from 1955

Priscilla writes: "I have looked up Gene Dolls, and I found the apparently authoritative website, which says that the first ones were produced in 1955.  The original advertising campaign included a book, that is a 'biography' of her as Gene Marshall, a star from the 30's, 40's and 50's.  For that reason, it would be perfectly likely for her to have patterns for 1950's dresses, even with supposed dates."

"In a 2005 TV Guide, there was a wonderful ad for a special edition reproduction of the 1960's Shirley Temple Playpal doll! 
She was just adorable in her pink organdy (?) dress and was nearly 3 feet tall, just like the original. I tried to find an online photo but I couldn't find one, but she was for sale by the Danbury Mint for $175.00."

Here is an example of the
ORIGINAL version (1960)

...and  tangential old eBay offerings



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