From the start...


“I was just a 14 year old boy, but I knew my world had changed for good. By the time I was a junior in high school, it would be a secret world of crinolines, lace, chiffon, organza, and ruffles … lacy little ankle socks .. and all thanks to those mean girls! They thought they were humiliating a sissy, but they would soon have a dedicated Poufbunny on their hands!” [from the end of the story] 


Day One: Humiliated Beyond Belief


             How it began: a bunch of us teenagers were fooling around at Sherry’s house, with her friends Leslie and Shannon—mean girls, but fun to watch TV with - and two effete boys, Teddy and Leo.  Wwe were horsing around and I was swinging my arm; I hit Sherry in the head by mistake. This was a BIG mistake for she was mad, and the others were saying Uh-oh—you’re in trouble… I’m telling on you and so on. A boy who hits a girl gets the worst parental punishment.


            So I told them I’d do anything if they didn’t tell on me … anything … I’d give them five dollars … even ten dollars. When the girls saw how desperate I was, they talked among themselves and then announced that they’d keep my secret but I would have to … dress up like a sissy! 


   “But a dress of yours wouldn’t fit over my clothes,” I stammered. (It was worth a try.) 


            “Oh no! You’ll strip down to your undies and we’ll give you a dress,” they jeered.


            Teddy and Leo led me into a bedroom where I undressed, blushing furiously as these two effeminate boys grinned and folded my shirt and pants and put them on the bed.


            “Are all his clothes off?” one of the girls shouted from the other side of the door.


            “Yes, he’s in just his underwear,” said Teddy, and the door swung open a little. “Oooh, here is the dress.”


            “Don’t look!!” I called out in a panic in fear of the girls seeing me in my white Hanes.


            “We want his clothes,” said Shannon. “Hand them over.”


            “That wasn’t part of the deal!” I nearly wailed. There was discussion between Teddy, Leo and the girls in the doorway. “Sorry, Chip, they insist, they say they’re the bosses now. And you have to take off your undershirt. It’s a sleeveless dress with just straps, and a T-shirt would look dumb underneath.” He giggled. “And they say they want to see your pretty little shoulders.


            Numbly, I took off my undershirt. Leo added it to my other clothes, scooped them up, and handed them to the girls. I thought, Teddy and Leo are the worst friends a boy ever had!


            The dress had two layers of lace for the short frilly skirt, a sheer middle part, more lace at the top, and two silken straps. I reached up in the air while the boys pulled the dress on over my head and adjusted the straps. They stared at me with utter grinning delight.


            I cannot describe the terrible, horrible, panicky, helpless and slightly wonderful feeling I had. The petticoat lace swished around my bare thighs and legs. I was dressed like a girl! My clothes had been stolen! It was like I had taken a weird, strong drug - my head swam with dizzy embarrassment and fear at being naked except for my briefs and this sissy petticoat. Oh, the shame!


            “Come on, beautiful! Time to show you off to the girls!” laughed Teddy.


            I followed them out into the hallway where the waiting girls screamed with triumph. They made me walk around and kept giving me orders. I could not believe how evil these girls were. It was like they had been planning this for a year. Maybe they had.


            “Tell us you’re a big sissy and you like wearing dresses.”


            “Please, no,” I begged. And just like that, Sherry slapped me across the face. “Ouch! That hurt!” Tears sprang into my eyes.


            She slapped me again, even harder, and I tried to protect my face. “Put your hands down! This all started because you hit me. What’s fair is fair. Come on girls!” They took turns slapping me, and the shame was too much for me. “Oh look, he’s crying!!” Tears were indeed flowing down my face, red from blushing and the mean girls’ slaps. 


            “Look at the sissy crying! Look at the little crybaby in his dress because he’s getting beat up by girls! Now, say what we told you to.”


            It was worse than any nightmare. Standing there in my frilly petticoat and sniffling, I said, “I am a big sissy and I love dressing up like a girl.”


            This seemed to go on forever. They decided that I should “kiss the girls” as punishment, but like ladies, they wanted their hands kissed -the hands that had slapped me. “Now you have to kiss the boys,” ordered Shannon. “It’s no sissier than wearing a dress, after all.”


            I almost begged not to, but to avoid more slaps, I went over and kissed Teddy on the cheek, and then on the lips after the girls ordered me to. Leo took me in his arms and gave me a long, slow kiss on the lips, like in the movies, that had the girls jumping up and down in glee.


            “You’re a great kisser, Chip, or should we call you chick?” he said teasingly.


            At that moment, I was rescued by Sherry’s father’s car pulling into the driveway. There was some chaos as I was hustled to the back of the house and stripped of the dress, then pushed out on to the back porch to wait in my briefs for the girls to throw my clothes out the back door. I staggered home wondering if it all been just a horrible bad dream, but my burning cheeks, still sore, told a different story.


Day Two: In WAY Over My Head       


            At least THAT was all over … or so I thought. The next day, I was sitting with some friends in the school cafeteria, strictly avoiding any eye contact with Teddy, Leo, and the girls, who would look my way and giggle. Suddenly here was Shannon standing by me with a slip of paper, saying, “I think you dropped this.” She walked away and I opened it.


            Hi, Petticoat Boy, meet us behind the gym after school at 3 o’clock. DON’T BE LATE, OR ELSE.


            My heart sank. The rest of that afternoon was a blur.


            When I went behind the lawn behind the gym, a little early (of course) the three girls were sitting on a bench and I stood before them in my khaki trousers, white short-sleeved shirt, and blue necktie.


            (I was wishing I was more casually dressed. Knowing now that these girls love feminizing and humiliating masculine boys, I worried that my crisp white shirt, nice tie, perfectly creased trousers, and expensive polished loafers made me a provocative target. That and my perfect haircut. Related -I had a queasy feeling at their wanting to meet in this secluded spot. Would they try and humiliate me in the middle of a high school campus? Surely not. Maybe they’d take away my tie and make me beg for it, or maybe drop my pants to my knees for a quick second, just to show obedience?)


            “Well, how did you like yesterday?” asked Sherry sweetly.


            I was really scared to give the wrong answer. If I said I liked it, they would tease me. If I said I didn’t like it, they’d punish me. The fact is, I had both hated and enjoyed it, and couldn’t stop thinking about the terrible thrill of being humiliated that way by mean girls … and the fluffy lace tickling my bare legs. Of course I would never admit how excited I got by those swishy layers of petticoats, or how much I craved to wear them again.


             “Uh, I guess you taught me a lesson,” I said carefully.


            “You’re getting another lesson on Halloween, in two weeks,” said Sherry. “You’re going trick-or-treating in a dress, just like yesterday, with us. Isn’t that great?” They all leered at me. The dizzy embarrassment clouded my head again. I knew better than to cross these girls. I did not dare say that I had a plan to wear a pirate costume for Halloween.


            “My parents couldn’t believe it!” she went on. “I told them you’d be coming over and we’d dress you up to help you get your wish of trick-or-treating as little girl. My dad said, ‘That’s an odd choice for a boy like Chip. His parents said something about him going out as a pirate. Now he’s going to wear a dress out there? Doesn’t he realize all the teasing he’ll get?’” 


            “In a dress the whole time?” This was a million times worse than being petticoated and pushed around in her living room!


            “An adorable short party dress, and ankle socks, and Mary Janes.”


            “I don’t even know what those are.”


            “Girl shoes, and pretty little socks. And no Halloween mask, or makeup, or wig—everyone needs a good clear look at ‘tough guy’ Chip dressed up in his petticoats, going up and down every street in this neighborhood! Probably with a cute hair ribbon, too.”


            “But … I don’t think your shoes would fit me.”


            “Let’s tell him the best part, girls! Saturday morning at 10, we’ll all be going to Macy’s to get your pretty little party dress and petticoats, and your other girlie things. You’ll try it on in the store in the Girl’s Department for everyone to see.”


            I let this horror sink in, knowing that any resistance would lead to trouble. So, I just said, “Uh, you don’t need to buy clothes for me, Sherry.”


            “You bet I don’t! You’ll be paying with your own money. Now, we need you to promise right now that you will go shopping on Saturday with us, and try on dresses, and that you’ll be a girl for Halloween. Got that? If you don’t … well, girls, you think we can tackle him and get that school uniform off him?”


            “Oh, I think he’d look so cute running home in just his underpants,” said Leslie with an evil smile.


            “I think he’d look even cuter running home naked!” laughed Sherry. “Naked except for his socks. Those shoes are fancy—they’d fit my brother. What’s your answer, boy? Oh, by the way, let’s see how much money you have for your new sissy clothes. Give me your wallet.”


            I handed it over. Sherry looked through it and said, “Forty dollars! That’s too much money for a sissy like you to be running around with. I’ll just take that. In fact, I’ll keep this wallet until Saturday. Got a problem with that, boy? Isn’t it worth $40 not to be stripped naked, right here and now?”


            “It’s fine,” I mumbled. I was in for it. I had no idea what to say next, but very carefully, I ventured, “Will they allow a boy in a fitting room in the Girl’s Department?”


            “Hmm ... “ They thought this over. Then they whispered among themselves and laughed cruelly.  “OK, that’s no problem. But you know what is a problem? Your backtalk. So take off your pants. Take them off and throw them to us.”


            Even behind the school gym, this was risky, but getting stripped naked would be worse, so I stepped out of my khakis and surrendered them to Sherry. Surely these witches would return my pants when this horrible conversation was over. I stood there, my white Hanes briefs and white crew socks exposed, the breeze blowing through my bare legs.


            “Now, listen here, boy. We’ll go to the Girl’s Department to pick you out a frilly little dress and we’ll explain that it’s for you to wear for Halloween. Then you go to the Boy’s Department with your dress, to wait for a fitting room to open up. You’ll strip and put it on, and then you have to walk all the way across the store in your dress, back to where we’re waiting! A hundred total strangers will see Chip the Petticoat Princess. Any questions?”


            I wanted to ask about my pants, but Leslie spoke up first. “What about after he pays for his dress? They always ask, shall we box it up, or will you wear it home? Maybe they should box up his boy clothes and he has to end up walking through Lakewood Mall in his sissy petticoat.”


            “Great idea!” crowed Shannon. “He’ll have to buy us ice cream to thank us for such a good practice run for Halloween, right? Oh Sherry, you think those pants of his will fit your brother?


“He can try them on this afternoon,” said Sherry casually, watching me closely to enjoy the sight of me losing all hope. “Okay, sissy boy, you just wait here a good fifteen minutes or so while we get away. Next time we see those pretty legs of yours, you’ll be wearing a frilly dress in the middle of the Girl’s Department. And we’ll be doing lots of practice sessions for Halloween.”


Bullied, robbed, humiliated, 'de-pantsed'—in public! These girls were pure evil. So I stood there in my underwear and had to thank the girls for taking my wallet and pants. What a loser.


They left me to wait several minutes before stumbling home pants-less, hiding in bushes along the way, shamed and excited and terrified thinking of the department store petticoating to come. I was just 14 years old, but I knew my world had changed for good. By the time I was a junior in high school, it would be a world of crinolines, lace, chiffon, organza, and ruffles … lacy little ankle socks .. and all thanks to those mean girls! They thought they were creating a sissy, but they would soon have a dedicated Poufbunny on their hands!

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