Petti Pictures

(Itinerations of Expansiveness)

All enlargeable








Two types of expansiveness

From Kristi

Left: 'Parachuting Trail Maid'
by Parachute Dresses




John N. sends this awkward scene

ED: Kind of looks like a scene from one of the 'Gypsy'
weddings TV scenes.  Definitely extending her charm!




Extending her charm in a 'Sleeping Beauty'
Neiman Marcus wedding gown

From Nancy N.



Extending her charm like a beautiful bird!

Sent by Kristi

Pettis & corsets area





    From Gerd    



From Gerd    

(R) Eugénie design 1948-1949
Willy Maywald photography




Extending the charm

by Dior!

    From Gerd    



A spectacular deci-circle and a forties
bride are great examples of

Extending the charm

    From Gerd    



Dany Mizrach, Spring 2018

From Crinolyn

  Designer area   




Crinolyn offers this nice example
of extending the charm

Pettis and corsets area


ED:  Get a load of the red shoes!

(Directly above right) Photographer: Matthew Williamson


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