
Femme Splash section


For many years before her passing in 2017, Pond Girl Allison (Betty Jane) delighted us with her CDs and writings, giving us an eye into the Fifties.
  Now, her  devoted  husband Larry is using his excellent graphics skills to work on the large number of pictures she left behind, all never seen on The Pond;
  most have
of them had writing on the back, which Larry has incorporated onto the pictures.


Allison's husband Larry's one year remembrance of our dear "Girl Next Door"

 We miss her so!











"This one is an old 35mm shot with my old Cannon A1. I was able to get them all scanned because my brother has a great film scanner. Well, he did get
to see more of my wife then he was used to seeing  but that was all right; I did the best I could with it.  Believe it or not, there is a skirt somewhere
 behind all that lace. Her panties were pretty but she wouldn't let me show them back then. That came a bit later. Her stockings are a genuine 1960s
pair that was in the original, un-opened box."


"I know you would have enjoyed exploring everything beneath her skirt. She would have giggled and held her skirt down
but we  would be persistent and she would quickly surrender. So with a lot of girly giggles,  our hands and our eyes would have
fun and nothing  would've been off limits. She would have giggled and held her skirt down, but we would be persistent and she would
 quickly surrender. So  with a  lot of girly giggles our hands and our eyes would have fun and nothing would've been off limits." 



Husband Larry has discovered a cache of her notes. 
They are quite fun - she had quite a sense of femininity which made very special indeed. 


I was thinking about The Pond today. About how an entire website is based on the petticoat. And I thought I’d scribble down a few thoughts.
Let’s face it. School boys were horny. Some boys liked our skirts and petticoats and some didn’t.
I was thinking about the difference. A petticoat is a skirt. An under skirt.  Without a doubt, the pretty part of the skirt. The sexy part.  And the epitome of femininity.
Anyway, I think the difference is just that. The guy who loves a girl in petticoats, loves femininity. The guys that “don’t” well, not so much. But I think that there were more boys in school that liked us in our bouffant skirts that just didn’t want to admit to it.  Young school boys had a fear of femininity.
Having all that fluff and lace around our thighs was like a magnifier of desire. A lot of fluff, I think, would drive some boys crazy.   
 I guess just about all girls were taught, by their mothers, to sit like a lady, in other words, to manage their skirt. But as I got a bit older, I saw how the boys at school would try anything to get a peek up my skirt.  It was obvious to me that seeing our thighs and panties greatly excited the boys. I remember this all the way back to the sixth grade. But some girls just didn’t understand it. They reacted badly. To me it was always a kind of thrill. The thought of some boy looking up my skirt would bring on a case of the giggles.
To me, managing my skirt meant that I have the ability to show how much I wanted to show and to whom I wanted to show it to. But with some boys, I wouldn’t let them see a thing. 
Skirt management was easier with a bouffant skirt. Also flashing a boy was easier with a bouffant skirt. Fluffing my petticoats can expose my panties. It’s all in the Technique. Did I practice in front of a mirror? Hee, hee, hee.  
I wore a petticoat to work today. Some of the ladies were interested,  which pleased me. Later when I was working at my desk my boss came over. “What are you wearing
under your  skirt?” he asked. "A petticoat", I replied. Then he looked shocked and said, "Is that all?" " No", I said, I’m wearing panties. A big grin came over his face as
he walked away. He tricked me; he just wanted  to hear me say it.  
(Made me laugh) This was back in the 80s. Her boss was a heavy set guy with a head full of gray hair. He was pleasant enough and Betty Jane liked him as a boss. But she did tell me he  was horny.