Fiction by Claudette © 2004, all rights reserved


The next morning while they were having breakfast, Betsy told Beth she had called a handyman to come over and hang the pictures up for them. She didn’t want to take a chance of damaging them if she did it. But for the rest of the day, Betsy was looking forward to just staying home and relaxing after all the shopping they had been doing. It was a nice cool day, almost like spring, though the calendar said it was now summer. She loved spending time alone with Beth as she taught him things about being a girl, almost as much as showing him off to her friends. Betsy had noticed that she sometimes referred to Beth as ‘her’ now instead of ‘him’. But it seemed natural, considering how pretty and well-behaved he was. He walked, talked and acted like a nice twelve year old girl now, and seemed “at home” in dresses and petticoats. She loved seeing Beth manage his skirts as he sat down, or scoop them close to him so he wouldn’t get them dirty if he stooped down to pick up something from the floor. Every morning she showed Beth a little more about applying his own makeup. But Betsy still loved fixing his hair.

Then she suddenly thought of something that she had wanted to do for her little girl for some time now: get his ears pierced. It kept slipping her mind every time they had gone shopping. She called up the handyman again and told him where to look for the key, and where she wanted the pictures hung. Actually, it wouldn’t take that long. Francine could do it in her salon. Besides, Francine had wanted to see Beth once Betsy had “put him in a pretty dress”. She called up the salon and asked Francine if she could pierce Beth’s ears today. Francine assured her that such a simple task would take very little time, and to come over anytime during the day.

Betsy could envision how delighted Francine would be over Beth’s appearance and little girl manner, and regarded Beth’s ears being pierced almost has an official stamping of femininity on Beth. But she also knew that one of the reasons she wanted to get it done was because Betsy’s own ears were pierced, and Beth seemed to like copying her. Even if  he didn’t realize it, that was the supreme compliment he could give be just like Mommy!

Instead of the ‘mother-and-daughter’ dresses, she decided to have Beth wear one of the prettier dresses she had bought for Sundays or when they went visiting or expected visitors. She smiled at herself when she thought of how much she liked to show off her little girl. There wasn’t any intention to embarrass or humiliate Beth. But until lately,
Beth had always dreaded meeting Betsy’s friends and having to show off a new dress,  pocket book, or some other feminine accessory. But he seemed to like having other ladies see him dressed like a pretty girl now. He spoke up and hardly even blushed anymore!

Later that morning the two of them left for Francine’s salon, with Beth wearing a pretty pink dress with short puffed sleeves and two white waist-high petticoats under it, and a white camisole. The dress had a wide white sash matching the white trim on the sleeves. Betsy tied it in a tight big bow at his back to keep his petticoats from slipping. There was a cute white secretary collar, and a sprinkling of daisies on its skirt. Beth wore pink ankle socks with the pair of white strap shoes Betsy had bought for him on their first day of shopping. She tied up the twin ponytails at the sides of his head with pink bows that not only matched his dress, but went so well with his blond hair. As she looked down at Beth when she finished dressing him, her face glowed with motherly pride in how pretty he looked.

Naturally, Beth knew that wearing a special dress meant something was up, and when Betsy had him take his shiny white little girl’s pocketbook with a shoulder strap, Beth began to think that maybe they were going on a trip somewhere. In any case, once he saw himself in the full-length mirror, he actually smiled when he saw how pretty he looked!.

“Look honey! Your pink lipstick matches your dress! And your panties, too!  But let’s hope that no one will be seeing your panties,” said Betsy with a little laugh. She bent down and hugged Beth, but refrained from giving him a kiss that might smudge his makeup.

“Where are we going Mommy? Visiting one of your friends?”

“No honey,” answered Betsy. “Today we’re going to get your ears pierced. Then you can wear little pearls in them like Mommy does. Would you like that?”

“No Mommy!” replied, afraid of it hurting.

“Now be a good girl dear!” said Betsy. “It won’t hurt honey. Put your pocket book strap on your shoulder,  put on your pretty white gloves like Mommy’s, and hold my hand when we go downstairs. Your shoes are still new, and the soles might be slippery.”

Betsy herself was wearing a pretty yellow dress and white petticoats, and as she looked at them standing together in her big mirror, something funny struck her. “You look so precious sweetheart!” said Betsy. “I just hope people won’t think we’re a couple of popsicles walking down the sidewalk together!”

“Oh Mommy!” said Beth with a giggle.

Fifteen minutes later they were walking into Francine’s beauty parlor, Betsy holding her little girl’s hand.  As soon as Francine saw them, a big smile broadened her face. She stopped her work on a lady’s hair, swinging her chair around so she could see Betsy’s little girl. The eyes of women sitting under driers all canted towards the doorway.

“Well look at this pretty little girl!” said Francine. “Come here darling.” Beth walked up to her and Francine bent down and folded her arms around him in a big hug. Then she straightened and looked down at Beth’s smiling face.

“Betsy! He’s perfect! Oh, if only all little girls looked this precious!”

“Well,” said Betsy, “you’re partly responsible for making him look so cute.”

“And what a pretty dress you have on sweety-pie!”

Beth blushed as he held his hands along the sides of his dress. “Mommy said you’re going to pierce my ears today.”

“She did? Well aren’t you a lucky little girl!”

“Will it hurt?” asked Beth.

“Oh, no sweetheart. I’ll make them feel cold for just a minute or so, and you won’t feel anything. Afterwards you’ll wear pretty gold studs in them for a couple of days, and then you can wear little pearls like your mommy does.”

“Besty let me finish Gloria’s hair first. It’s almost done.”

“Of course Fran,” said Betsy. “We’re in no hurry.” She took Beth’s hand again and they went over and sat down in a couple of chairs. Francine watched as Beth smoothed his dress behind him as he sat down, keeping his knees and feet together.

“Oh! He’s so prissy Betsy! What a nice little girl he is now! You must be so proud of him. And the way you’ve fixed his hair! He could almost pass for a five year old."

“I only wish I had started dressing him when he was a toddler,” said Betsy.

“Oh, come on! How much happiness do you want?”said Francine, with a little chuckle.

The only other time Beth had been in the beauty shop before, he had been terrified. Now he looked around curiously at the different tools of Francine’s work: the shampoo sinks with their curved opening for a lady’s or girl’s neck to rest in, and all the bottles of different shampoos and rinses, the combs, brushes and scissors. It almost seemed to Beth like it was a magical place, but one just for ladies and girls, and little boys that became little girls like he did!

In a few minutes Beth was sitting down in a styling chair as Francine sprayed a freezing can of a carbon dioxide mix on Beth’s earlobe, shielding his neck with a towel. She wouldn’t spray them long enough to actually freeze them; just enough to numb them. Then she took something and put it against his earlobe with a wad of cotton behind it, and Beth heard a little pop. There was hardly a sting as his ear was pierced. Francine did the same thing to his other earlobe, and then quickly inserted a pair of alcohol sterilized gold studs into the tiny holes. “I remember my mother piercing my ears with a needle,” said Francine. "It’s a wonder more girls didn’t get infected, then."

“All done sweetheart!” said Francine with a big smile. “Here’s your little girl again Betsy. But this time he looks a lot prettier than the first time I first saw him!”

“Thanks Fran,” said Betsy. Beth looked in the mirror at the gold studs, a little smile on his face.

“How much for the piercing? asked Betsy.

“For such a pretty little girl like Beth?! It’s on the house,” said Francine. “But please stop in with him some more just so I can see him. I bet he’ll get prettier every day.”

“Well perhaps in a couple of months I’ll have you give him a page boy style, but long enough to be able to put it in a ponytail sometimes,” said Betsy. “I think he’d look very nice with with a page boy.”

“He’ll look precious with any style except a Mohawk,” said Francine with a smile.

As they walked back to the car, Beth looked up at Betsy. “What’s a Mohawk Mommy?”

“A style that you’ll never get as long as I’m alive,” said Betsy laughing a little. Then she explained that it was the way the Indian men used to shave their heads.

“Oh,” said Beth without any further comment on it.

“Honey,” asked Betsy, “do like your Mommy, holding your hand when we go places”

“Yes Mommy,” said Beth. “Do you like to hold my hand?”

“Very much sweetheart,” said Betsy. “Then everybody knows you’re my pretty girl.”

“Well, I guess everybody knows I have a pretty mommy then too,” said Beth. Betsy almost felt like crying. She was so happy!

When they got home, Betsy noticed that, although the key was where she had left it, it seemed to have been moved. When they opened the door, there was a big picture of Betsy and Beth on the wall over the couch. It was the one showing them sitting down together. They quickly went upstairs, and there was another big enlargement upstairs on the wall of Beth’s bedroom. It was the one of Betsy and Beth standing side by side with Betsy looking down at Beth with nice smile, and Beth looking up at her with a smile also, while Betsy had an arm around Beth’s shoulders. This was the picture she loved the most, and she was very glad another print of the same picture was hanging in her own
bedroom as well.

Beth looked at the picture in his bedroom. He and Mommy were wearing their ‘mother and daughter’ dresses; pink gingham with white secretary collars and trim on the short puffed sleeves, and a white sash tied around their waists. The scalloped hem of their white petticoats showed a little below the hem of their dresses. He was glad Mommy had bought these dresses for them to wear together, even if wearing any dress made him feel like a sissy, because being a sissy seemed nice now. He loved wearing petticoats and pretty dresses. And the picture in his bedroom made it seem like Mommy was watching over him.

‘I bet a lot of girls don’t have as pretty a mommy as I do,’ he thought.

After a few minutes they went back downstairs. Betsy was thinking about what they should have for lunch. It was actually later in the afternoon than when they usually ate.  Her thoughts were interrupted by the front door chimes. She went and opened the front door. Irene LaChance and Frances Coffey were standing there with nice smiles. Irene
and Betty took turns putting their cheeks along Betsy’s as they greeted each other with smiles and ‘hellos’, and Betsy invited them into the parlor.

Neither woman had seen Betsy for a while, but Katherine had called them both up and told them about seeing Betsy and Beth while she was shopping. As soon as they heard about it, both women couldn’t wait to see Betsy’s little girl. They both knew Betsy, but didn’t see her that much, since they lived on the other side of town.

As soon as they came inside the parlor and sat down, they both noticed the big picture of Betsy and Beth on the wall.
“Betsy, is that your little boy?” asked Irene, as she looked at the picture in disbelief.

“Yes,” said Betsy, “and now he behaves as much like a little girl as if he had been born one. Let me have him come downstairs and you can meet him. He’s upstairs playing with a new doll I just bought for him on our way home from getting his ears pierced.”

Presently, Beth was standing in the parlor with a nice smile next to Betsy. “Beth, this is Mrs. LaChance and Mrs. Coffey. Say ‘hello’ dear.”

Beth curtseyed like Mommy had recently taught him, and said ‘hello’ to both ladies, smiling as he sat down next to Betsy on the couch. Betsy put her arm around Beth’s shoulders, forgetting that the picture hanging right over their heads showed them in the exact same position.

“Betsy! I can’t believe it!” said Irene. “He’s sooo pretty! And look how his petticoats peek out under his dress! He’s so precious! How long has he been your little girl?”

“Since he started his summer vacation,” replied Betsy. “And he loves being Mommy’s little girl now. Don’t you sweetheart?”

“Yes Mommy. I’m glad you turned me into a girl,” said Beth. “When I grow up, I want to be just like you Mommy.”

“But didn’t he complain about becoming a girl?” asked Frances.

“Oh, a little bit at first,” said Betsy. “But pretty soon he saw how nice it felt to dress up pretty like a nice little girl. Girls have a lot more fun than boys do. Don’t they sweetheart?”

“Yes Mommy,” answered Beth,“ and today I got my ears pierced just like yours.”

“I think it time he started playing with girls now too,” said Betsy.

“Betsy! You’re a marvel!” said Irene. “Oh, how I wish I’d dressed my little boy like a girl, too. But I knew his father would never let me. And now he’s eighteen years old and has a girlfriend. It’s too late now.”

“Yes. There are certain advantages to getting a divorce when children are still young,” said Betsy. “In a way I suppose I owe my ex-husband a little gratitude for taking off with another woman. With him out of the way, I was able to raise my child the way I wanted.”

“Well in my opinion,” said Frances, “You’ve done a wonderful job raising him. He makes such a pretty little girl!”

“Betsy, we can’t stay,” said Irene. “We’ll be late for the beauty parlor. But I’m so glad we had a chance to see Beth. He’s sooooo precious!”

Both ladies got up, shaking their dresses and petticoats a little as they prepared to leave. When Betsy and Beth got up, Irene noticed Beth fluffing up his dress and petticoats like a girl would.

“Oh, I wish he was my little boy,” said Irene with a wistful look.

“One last question Betsy,” said Helen. “How long are you going to keep dressing him as a little girl? School will be starting in a couple of months.”

“That’s no problem,” replied Betsy. “I taught school myself for a couple of years before I got married, and I still have my teacher’s certificate. I’m going to give him home schooling. Besides, he’s so much like a pretty girl now in his habits and manners, the boys at school would call him a sissy if they saw him smoothing his pants behind him when he sits down. And he wants to be my little girl for good now. Don’t you darling?”

Beth smiled and said, “Yes Mommy. It’s more fun being your little girl. I don’t want to be a boy any more.”

“And you won’t be dear,” said Betsy with a loving smile.

“But Betsy,” said Helen, “aren’t you a little concerned about how he’ll be a sissy when he grows up?”

“All I know,” said Betsy, “is that he’s very happy being my little girl now, and so am I.”

“Betsy, we have to leave,” said Irene, “but I love how you’ve turned Eddie into such a pretty girl. And I know he’ll have no trouble playing with other girls. He’ll fit right in with the prettiest and prissiest of them.”

There were the usual hugs and kisses to Beth’s cheeks before they left. Then Betsy turned to Beth as they sat back down on the couch. “Beth, you’d like to play with girls, wouldn’t you sweetheart?” asked Betsy.

“I haven’t met any yet,” replied Beth.

“You will starting tomorrow sweetheart,” said Betsy. “I’ll invite one of my friends and her little girl to come over and visit us tomorrow, and the two of you can play either  in your room or outside if you want to. Would you like that dear?”

“I guess so Mommy,” said Beth. “How old is her little girl?”

“The same age you are honey,” said Betsy. “She’s twelve years old too.”

“Will she know I used to be a boy Mommy?”

“No Beth. Why should we tell her that? Don’t worry sweetheart. You’ll have fun playing with other girls. And it’ll make Mommy feel nice to see you playing with girls from now on. Now you’ll have a whole new life of a pretty girl in a girl’s world. Later today Mommy is going to put your training bra on you and explain a few things to you.”

The next day, as Betsy watched Beth and Susan (a friend’s daughter) jumping rope in the driveway, it brought a smile to her face. She loved seeing Beth playing with other girls. At that moment she made up her mind, and reached for the phone book to inquire at the local hospital about the availability of the operation Christine Jorgensen had undergone.


Beginning in late 1952 and completed in 1953, doctors had made a series of operations and begun hormone treatments on a former American soldier, changing his sex from male to female. Known as Christine Jorgensen from this point on, she became an overnight celebrity. It also had a learning value to the doctors involved. Soon the surgery techniques were improved and become common for sexual reassignment. Naturally, Betsy read about Christine Jorgensen in the paper. It turned out to be the answer to her prayers as far as Beth’s future was concerned. But first she discussed
it with him, carefully explaining what the operation would mean as far as his future sex was concerned. Beth thought that since he looked and acted like a girl, and had come to like being a girl, that he might as well become one as much as possible.

Three years later, after three operations and lengthy hormone treatments, she finally had a real all “departments”! Whenever Beth thought about her earlier life as a boy however, even though she now loved being a girl, it still caused some tears to spoil her mascara. And she had to get bras with larger cups during the first year as her breasts grew. But she loved having her hair in the same style as Betsy. And her panties fit much better now!

The End
(And a new beginning!)

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