Petticoat punishment fiction by Cathy Angela Davis, MKD

© 2008, all rights reserved

Chapter Three - Karen-ann Accepts her Sex

There was a computer-aided dress making class in the school; Mother thought it would be a good idea for both of them to sign up for it, so they did.  It did mean staying a little later after school got out, but that was okay; Karen-ann could take another orange juice with her, and Karen –alice would make sure she drank it. They both did great in class and designed party dresses, in hot pink with ten petticoats underneath so it would flare heavily at the skirt. When they got home their mother asked, “Did Karen-ann drink her orange juice? And can I see your designs?”  So karen-alice said, “Yes she did, and did not complain - she said she now accepts her sex, and will be the best girl ever. And here are our designs.”

So Mother looked at the print out and said, “These are great!  I see both of you got an 'A' a on your designs - very good, girls.  Are you going to actually make these dresses?”

“Yes, the teacher said we can try, but we will have to work hard.”

“Excellent!  I am so proud of both of you, and you, Karen-ann, I am so glad that you accept your girlhood now and know that there was no other way.”

“Yes, Mommy, I cannot even remember what it was like being a dumb boy, and I am really sorry for what I did as a boy and I will never do that as a girl, I promise - please let me wear a regular length uniform - I have been good.”

“I know, but what did I say about that Karen-ann?”

“You said after camp next summer it will be one year, and if I behave, I can wear normal length from then on.”

“Okay then, if you behave, when we come home from camp, Ii will let all your dresses and skirts down, but if you misbehave you will go back to being a three year old (and you can do it).  Is that understood Karen-ann?”

“Yes Mommy, I will behave -  I promise.”

And throughout the school year they got A’s in everything, even dress making, and they were best behaved girls in the school.


The next day was Saturday, and they were to visit their father’s grave.  Karen-ann knelt and said, “Daddy, I know know it was not your idea to die and you loved us.  I am sorry for acting out, and that I had to be changed, but it was necessary so I would be good.  I could not be a good boy, but now I am a good girl and I will be like Mommy.  I love you, Daddy.”

Karen –alice says, “I miss you too, and I cried all day when you died, but I knew I should not misbehave because of it, like Kevin-andy did, now my great twin sister Karen-ann. We both miss and loved you daddy and will never misbehave again - Karen-ann and I are the best behaved girls in school and we were the best in camp last summer after you died.  Please do not be mad at mommy - she tried everything but nothing worked.  This was the only way; sorry Daddy, but now I have an identical twin sister and we share everything.”

Then Mommy: “Darling, it has been hard and we go on -  we wish you were here so none of this happened, we all miss you. I tried with Kevin. I grounded him, took away his videogames and, like you said, gave him girl games - it just made things worse. Then for awhile he behaved, but that was short lived; he preyed on the weak and started to steal, but I still resisted.  Then camp time came, and the first week he attacked a girl a year younger than he was and pushed her face in the dirt; that was the last straw.  I know he did it before, but this was too much. I had to do something drastic, and I used my procedure on him and did the best work I ever did.  No one will ever be able to tell she was not born a girl, and her organs will develop as a normal girl's would. And...she will be able to give birth when she grows up. I know you were proud of your son in the cub scouts, but now she is doing just as well in the girl scouts, she and her sister are brownies, and they look so cute in their uniforms.  You agreed if he ever got out of line, that this had to be done if we tried everything else.  Well, I did - counseling and talking, but nothing else worked.  Dear, we miss you. We have to go now, but we will be back in a month.”

They then went to lunch and had hot dogs and Karen-ann had her special formula in her soda as a treat, instead of her orange juice. She had been so good her mother thought she deserved a regular hot dog and fries. Karen-alice and Karen-ann cried, really missing their father, but time would heal.  But they would not forget what little they remembered of him, a good man whose life was ruined by lying pigs, until he met Mommy, who saved him, helping him get published.  No one ever could understand why he died - the doctors just put down 'exhaustion,' and could not find another cause - there was no heart attack, no cancer and no tumor in the brain or anywhere else; he was just tired and could not go on.  He tried because of love, but just fell dead.

After lunch, they went home and changed into their pink play jumpers and fussed with their dolls - they are well behaved just like little girls and boys should be.

 Chapter Four

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