Fiction by Cathy
© 2012 All rights reserved

Chapter Six

That  weekend, Dad and I took off on a camping trip with the cub scout pack I belonged to.  It took my mind off things a little, but, boy, it was hard to remember to not sit like a girl, or act like one.  I was very happy spending time with Dad and my friends.  We had fun but…it seemed like such a different world by then - like something was terribly wrong.  I don’t know how to explain it really, but it was like I was… pretending to be a boy!

 On the first night of the camping  trip when all of us were sitting around a huge fire and making ’s-mores’, Dad said he had an announcement to make, and everyone gathered around closer, expecting some sort of a talk on what we were going to be doing the next day I guess…at least that’s what I was thinking.   

He looked around at everyone and slowly said, “I’ve been transferred and….with the approval of my company,” and then he chuckled a bit, “and his mother, of course…David and I are going to Japan for a couple of years!”    

That was…a shock!  And my first thought was….where is Japan?  How long?  Really?   

He went on to explain that while he and I were in Japan, Mom would be selling our house and moving our home to the West Coast, where his company was establishing  a new office.  “I’m afraid this will  be our last trip with all of you.”  He went on to recall all the friends we had found there…and thanked everyone for the chance to have one last fun time together and for being so kind to all of us.  “I know I speak for David, too, when I say how great you all have been…we’ll both miss everyone so much.” 

Needless to say, I was the center of attention for all my Scout buddies after that!  Of course, I couldn’t tell them anything because I didn’t know anything more than what they heard from Dad, but boy did we all talk about what was going to happen!  Wow, you could have knocked me over with a feather!  But the knowledge I might never see any of these guys again was…well sad! 

*    *    *    *

When we got back home, Dad, Mother, and I began to prepare for the trip to Japan.  The company he worked for was sending him there to bring a new factory on line.  At the end of the time in Japan, Dad’s office would be in Portland Oregon to manage a facility that would be supplied parts from the factory in Japan.  It all seemed a bit confusing to me and until then, I hadn’t thought about the fact our house would be sold, and we would come back from Japan to a new home in Portland.   Everyone I ever knew would be…gone!  Well…I would be gone from everyone I ever knew!  Where exactly is Portland? 

The final days before leaving were very hectic.  Instead of looking ahead to 4th of July celebrations,  I was packing all my clothes from the spare room closet to take along on the trip.   I did linger in my bedroom to look at all the beautiful dresses and skirts and petticoats that were in my closet.  I just couldn’t…I guess Mom would take care of doing something with them.    Everything else I owned was packed in those suitcases and trunks except one shirt and a pair of pants to hold me until we left.   Mother and Dad also had a party at our house for me to invite all my friends to say goodbye.  It was kind of fun, and at the same time kind of sad!  I wouldn’t be seeing anyone I knew for a long time…maybe never! 

The night before we were to leave, we loaded everything into our station wagon (the typical mode of transportation in the 50’s) before getting ready to go to bed.  Dad asked me to sit with them at the dinette in the kitchen.  “Honey…it’s late, we know, but it’s time to tell you what’s really going to happen tomorrow.  We have a surprise and…well a pretty big change in plans for you!”  They then explained an idea they and Dr. S. had come up with.   

 “Nobody could have imagined any of this several months ago.  Back then, I didn’t know we were going to be moving to the West Coast.  We didn’t know…you were really our daughter.  And then when we did know how you felt, we didn’t know what to do about it all.  But suddenly…because this all happened, you can…Well, you can start life…as our daughter, Cathy!   It’s a way to become our little girl without anyone realizing you were ever…our son. ”     

Looking back now, it was brilliant!  Everybody knew I was going to be gone…never to return to our house there!  I could stay with Mother and we would move to Portland as mother and daughter!  They duped everyone!   

Dad continued: “Doctor Samuelson, your mother, and I realize you  are happier being a girl.”  He quietly laughed  little and said; “Frankly, you were a lot nicer to be around most of the time, too…not quite as…well, detached, or surly maybe?  You were actually…happy!”  Then he chuckled lightly.  “You are a wonderful young man David , but you’re not happy as a young man…” Then Mother went on. “The problem was how to let you be our ‘daughter’ without a lot of prying eyes and, all to often, narrow minded souls who could cause no end of trouble for you…and for your father and me for that matter…even though your doctor has recommended this as well!   

Everyone around here knows David won’t be here…and they will never will expect to see him!   So…if someone David knows did see a young girl here…they wouldn't guess it was him and…well, I’ve already started telling everyone my niece would be staying with me to keep me company since David is gone…so you see?” 

Dad continued.  “You also have to realize…you‘ll have a lot of changes to deal with, and it won‘t be easy!  At least not as easy as your test period was.  This will be…well, for a very long time…maybe forever!  And you’re going to have to work hard to look, act and be seen as a girl, not a boy…not for a couple of weeks hidden away in the house.  You’ll have to be good enough to make everyone think you really are a girl and you’ll have to believe yourself that you are!  You can‘t turn back once it starts…you‘ll have to see it through…But, remember, we‘ll help you as much as we can. Now it’s really up to you…do you want to be our daughter instead of our son?”

I saw from the look in Dad’s and Mother’s face that this was serious.  I thought about what he had said, and tried to think through all he said.  I wasn’t sure about fooling my friends…I couldn’t imagine they wouldn’t recognize me after all.  But…we would be moving, so what would it matter?  I could stand being made fun of for a short time anyway!  What if I no longer wanted to be a girl?  Would I get tired of it?  What if all the beautiful clothes just became…clothes?  I didn’t hesitate though…I nodded my head, yes! 

He smiled and took my hand.  “Your mother will need a lot of help and understanding from our new daughter, and I expect you to do your very best, young lady.”  And just like that, Dad was suddenly…Daddy again.  I hugged him as tightly as I could, bawling like a miserable little baby again!  I apologized for being so disappointing and selfish…and even told him I would be proud to go with him and he would be proud of me!  He gently pushed me back a bit and smiled.  I saw a tear in his eye as he looked me straight in my eyes.  “No honey…you  may want to go with me and…believe me that means the world to me.  But I know you  need to stay.  I love you so much!   Besides, I always wanted a daughter and…now I’ve got one who is just as wonderful as our son was!  I don’t have to worry how she’ll turn out!” And he smiled. 

Chapter Seven

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