Fiction by Jenny Dean
© 2012 All rights reserved




We were both sixteen when Andrea had her last monthly check-up by the specialist.  It was a landmark for her.  She was totally healed and anatomically female.  Check-ups would be yearly from then on. 

 Mom gave a small dinner party for her and invited family members and a few close friends to celebrate the occasion.  There were twenty-five guests.

She wore a beautiful full-skirted sky blue silk dress and a matching petticoat.  I’d also seen her satin garter belt, hose, and cute lace panties when she popped over to my room to borrow some perfume while we were dressing.  A pair of diamond drop earrings highlighted her jewelry. 

She was radiant as Mother and I walked arm in arm with her down the stars to join the waiting guests.   The party was a great success as she mingled and danced with cousins, uncles and a few close family friends.  She was the prettiest girl at the party and obviously, the happiest!                            

That night, Andrea knocked softly on our adjoining door and came in.  She was wearing a cute little pink gown that didn’t quite cover her butt, and matching panties.  She climbed into my bed still excited, chattering away about her good check-up and the dinner party Mom had given for her. 

Finally she was quiet.  It was time.  We looked into each other’s eyes and I gave her a long, loving kiss.  My heart pounded as she returned it, touching my tongue with hers.  We’d waited so long for this moment. I undressed her.  It was worth the wait.  She was beautiful!

We played and made love as only girls can.  It was intimate and it was sweet.  We finally snuggled and fell asleep, our bodies aglow with spent passion and contentment. The last sound I remember was the grandfather clock striking three.  I dreamed that my mother kissed us both.

We awoke to sounds of the house coming alive and the yardman starting the lawnmower.  We could hear Mother saying something to one of the house staff.  This was a new day and we both felt great.  Andrea wiggled and tickled me saying, “Mandy, I have a wonderful idea.  Let’s go shopping together today.”  “Shopping for what?” I asked.”  “Oh this and that,” she answered.  I was still too sleepy for a giggle but I did smile

“Sounds good to me,” I said.  “I have a new dress that I want to wear and you haven’t worn that cute green dress Mom bought you yet.  We’ll shop downtown, have lunch at Pinos, and then take in a movie."    

“Oh Mandy, we should wear pantsuits today.  Can’t you hear the wind blowing, and it’ll be even worse downtown.  Our arms will be full of packages and the wind could blow our dresses up and people would see us.”

“Well, if they did they’d see our best side sweetie.” I said.  That brought about little gasp from her and then a laugh from both of us. 

Life was beautiful.



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