Janet's "growing up with kilts"

You read so much about the harm of petticoating, but there are thousands of feminine males like me who welcomed the opportunity to wear girls' (and now, women's) clothing. I had an elder and younger sister and my mother raised us, my father leaving us very early in our lives. There was always going to be a heavy feminine influence on my life whether in play, emotions, attitudes and yes, even dress. I am not ashamed to say as a child I preferred having longish hair, wearing a kilt and wearing knickers (I hated boys pants). All my life (I am now in my 50's, writing in 2009) I have worn knickers. As a child growing up in Scotland in the 1950's, many boys wore knickers under their kilts, mainly blue or green, but sometimes white, and I preferred white. Having an elder sister and money being tight, I did wear school blouses sometimes and my sister's T-shirts and shorts to play in the garden.
My introduction to petticoats was not the traditional girls' garment. I started wearing really long vests under my shirt and kilt. In some circumstances when glimpsed it looked like an underskirt, and at church my mother used to take great delight in reaching under my kilt and smoothing it down for my comfort. It earned me the reputation of being a bit of a sissy, but I really didn't care. From there I graduated onto my elder sister's kilts for church on Sundays and readily agreed to wear a cotton underskirt for comfort. Later in my early teens, this would often be thick nylon and lace trimmed.
My family knew and encouraged my preferences, and wearing knickers through my grammar school and university days continued, as did wearing a ladies' kilt on Sundays for church (no sporran, too masculine for me). By then I had a number of lacy underskirts and full slips of my own, many received as birthday and Christmas presents. 
My mother was astonished that I came home one evening with a woman friend who later became my wife. This in no way implies I was the masculine one in the relationship - my mother had always thought I would end up as the girl in a relationship with a man, not the feminine half of a relationship with a woman. When we married in Amsterdam she wore a trouser suit; I wore an above-the-knee kilt and during the dancing at the reception onlookers were left in no doubt who was the feminine partner: the exposure of my "something borrowed" white layered petticoat, matching satin knickers and blue garter as I was spun around the floor produced whistles from the men and claps from the women.
A lot has happened since then and since retiring I spend rather more time in skirts and dresses and, particularly when my wife's girlfriends are round in the evening for drinks, I often wear a pretty dress and make-up. Although I will never take the risk of full SRS, we have discussed the possibility of taking other steps to remove masculine influences and developing a more feminine shape. I have no doubt at some point in the near future I will live full time as a woman and it is something I look forward to with all my heart. I am at my happiest wearing a full skirted dress and hearing the swish and rustle of petticoats as a walk.  The thought of re-affirming our wedding vows where I finally get to wear that wedding dress makes me swoon with delight.

[Janet responds to comments posed by Tessy]

Your belief that nothing is worn under kilts is confined to real macho men. Young boys would often wear girls' knickers as instructed by Mum to avoid their thingy popping out. The popular colour for boys was bottle green or navy blue, but a few of us wore white. Most boys would stop wearing a kilt around eight or nine, but it's something I never grew out of (kilts and wearing knickers).
The sporran is a rights of passage male item, and when I was a boy it was rather like breeching in England. You got a sporran when your father considered you man enough. A teenage male wearing a kilt in Scotland would always wear the male garment and always wear a sporran.  Since my father left us early and my mother never considered it, I really don't think I would ever have qualified! In families with elder sisters it was quite common for their kilt to be passed down, yes even to a boy. Girls' kilts fasten on the left (boys' on right) and were made of lighter material, and usually above knee length, and sometimes had a wrap round bodice. I wore girls' kilts from the age of eight and I wore a plain cotton underskirt at my Mum's behest for hygiene reasons and to make it hang better, but only to church on Sundays and visits to my aunt. Later, we all dropped the pretence and I wore lace trimmed nylon, satin and sometimes layered slips and petticoats. I did argue a bit at first, but in truth I quickly learned that I loved wearing skirts and kilts.  I never grew out of wearing them (and later women's), wearing female kilts to weddings, funerals and on other special occasions. I was married in Amsterdam wearing a ladies' kilt and my wife wore a trouser suit.
It did take a practiced eye to spot the difference - it's really not a problem in England, but not north of the border in Scotland. You could get away with wearing a girls' kilt at junior school, but from around the age of ten it was certainly seen as slightly effeminate for a boy to wear a girls' kilt and easily spotted by the female population. This is particularly so for a "man" wearing a ladies kilt.
Yes I was called various unsavoury names as a boy as I'm sure you can appreciate, but we are who we are. 


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