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Nice video on this blog

Frame at right enlargeable


"Little Red VIII"

by Ruby Proudfoot


"Kansas City"
by 'Bonewhitehips'


"Sugared and Above Rubies"
by Lys Vintergata

Generally, mere tulle is boring and banal, but in this case, the display, pose and setting makes posting worthwhile


Colin B.:

"I recently saw a near life-size poster in the window of a UK chain shoe store which caught my attention and prompted my first email to you for a while, featuring as it did an attractive girl dressed in a multi-layer petti as well as, of course, shoes!

"Although it was not possible for me to email the poster to you I am attaching pictures from the Faith Shoes website by way of compensation. While not having the impact of a large poster, I think you will agree that they are striking, and possibly worth your consideration for inclusion in your excellent website."

MORE          ...and click picture


Lovely pose for beautiful 
brides and dreamy dreamers


There is something quite charming about this work on the
Deviant Art Site.

You may want to check out more of this artist's fine creations.






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