Jayne Mansfield

Some enlargeable


She didn't ALWAYS wear tight skirts!  Watch The Jayne Mansfield Story

Her 1958 wedding


Era bombshell
Jayne Mansfield
was known for her mermaid gowns

(L) Her 1958 wedding (R) Pleats!

       Sent by Crinolyn       


Above enlargeable

Jayne Mansfield in HER inimitable  style of mermaid gown!

(No, she was not naked, but the gown was specially constructed to make her appear almost so...
certainly left little to the imagination!)










David in Scotland provides this picture of Jayne Mansfield at her wedding to Mickey Hargitay (Mr. Universe 1955), wearing one of her trademark mermaid gowns








Jayne Mansfield is not the attraction here - her daughter's frock and the cute little doggies are!


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