Perky Petticoats on Minxy Mannequins & Store Window Displays

(above) courtesy Otto


                                                   (below) Ian sends these mannequin photos - Click on the left and right one to enlarge                             



The window of the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University on Broadway for August, 2005.

Click picture


(below) PETTIBOY: "On one of my trips to London, I saw this window display in Selfridges, one of our top stores, and I thought of PP.  It's supposed to be an underwater scene. Makes you want to dive in, doesn't it?!"
            CLICK TO ENLARGE



JANET: "I have been looking for some taffeta for a new dress, and as I was finding it difficult, I decided to go and look in Leeds Market. It's many years since I was there last, and I was surprised to find an interesting little shop by the entrance. From the photographs, you will see why I found it interesting. Of course, I had to go in and ask for details and prices, and I'm pleased to say that there is a wide range available at reasonable cost. So for petticoat enthusiasts in Yorkshire, you know where to go."




Anne  writes:

"I saw these in a couple of shops in London. The red dress (left -- here is a perspective) was in Harrods and the skirt was in Zara. Both shops are in Knightsbridge, London. I think they're gorgeous and thought you might be interested."




(below) Ozzie, who apparently owns a store in LA, has sent us some pictures of his appropriately-dressed  window 'ladies.' 

(below) Ann Hogan writes:

"I haven't written to you before but I plucked up the courage when I saw these kind of petti-dresses in the shop window of Butler & Wilson in Chelsea, England (a retro fashion shop), and I just happened to have my camera handy. I would love to buy one but alas! they are too expensive for me. They are so unusual though, aren't they? I love the matching gold slacks and gloves too!"

Turns out Anne Hogan of the above is a GG!  Tessy wants to share this email from her - nice to see her enjoying pettis so much!:

"Hi Tessy, Oh Wow! You put my photos on the Pettipond site! How exciting!

Butler & Wilson is a fashion shop in Fulham Road, Chelsea, London. They specialise in retro clothing especially from the 40's and 50's. There are quite
a few shops like this in London.

"You're probably wondering about me. I'm in my late thirties and was introduced to Pettipond by my boyfriend who was really into this sort of thing. He loved petticoats - not to wear himself - but he loved me to wear them for him. I dumped him some time ago but still visit your wonderful site every now and then. I love all the stories and the photos, especially the Poufbunnies. I think they are wonderful! I'd love to meet one some day but I'm a bit shy. Maybe one day.

"I still have all my petticoats and still wear them occasionally. They kind of make me feel all girly and sexy and other boyfriends I've had seem to like them to. Anyway, I wish you luck with your wonderful web site.  With love from Anne Hogan." (June 2005)

From Lucy Hamilton:

"I was amazed to see the message and photos from Ann Hogan about the shop window in London (see above) because I took these photos of another branch of the same shop two months ago!"



"It's not a great photo, but you may be able to use this one of the gown in the
Disney window in 5th Avenue, New York City."

Probably from the film, Enchanted, with Amy Adams.


A related news article:

The wardrobe in Disney's new film pulls off the cartoon-to-real ...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin - Honolulu, Hawaii

"May constructed a metal hoop to hold up 20 layers of petticoats and ruffles, .so when she crawls out of the manhole, that dress explodes in layers in ...'"




Lucy Hamilton writes:

"I have visited another vintage dress shop in London, which has a bouffant petticoat in the window. Two lady customers were saying how deliciously
feminine 50's fashions were, so I agreed enthusiastically! The shop is in
Earl's Court, which is a T-Girl friendly area of London."





Anne sends this image, which could fit the definition of 'petticoat hyperbole':

"I've been on my travels again and spotted this in Harrods, London. The petticoats seem to be made entirely of paper. Quite beautiful, I think."




(below two) Ozzie D. sends this window display from "Flipperies" in Montreal



(Above) Click to enlarge


"Lingerie Lover":

"This is the window of one of my favorite vintage shops in Oakland, CA. The store is called 'Recapture,' and it specializes in vintage wedding gowns, but it also features a beautiful selection of frilly dresses, petticoats, and slips."








Lacy a/k/a Damselnlace:

"Here is a pictures of the Bettie Page Store, located in the Miracle Mile Mall at the Planet Hollywood Casino in Las Vegas.

"They have an assortment of 1950's style gowns and dresses, as well as crinolines, lingerie,
corsets and stockings, plus a number of Bettie Page pictures, art and memorabilia."


(This is a crop - click picture for full display)



(below) Steve B: "Here's a nice place to take a walk and do a little window shopping.  It's Avenida Lerdo, where all the prom/bridal stores are,
  in Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, TX.  Here's a sampling.  Note the unusual petticoat in the 5th picture.
Apparently the prices are very reasonable. Careful, though, as they may not be Poufy-friendly."




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