Petti Pictures


Some enlargeable







The Russians have come a long way, perk-wise

From Crinolyn






If a floor-length gown can be perky, this is it!

From Sugarbarre





Well, no petti, but certainly
in the spirit of perkiness

From Kristi 



 Crinolyn sends these enlargeable perky images




Tina F. points out a special Flickr set:

"Fabulous dresses and up-skirt shots from a really cool, hip chick!!"






While this perky gal appears to be 'unzipped', it is
more likely that the frock is designed to look unzipped.

 In any case, it is certainly an attractive bouffant party dress!


  From Kristi                More bouffant near the water







Perkiness in two colors!

From Crinolyn





Sweetheart Tulle Princess Sleeveless Short Length Natural Waist Vogue
 Homecoming Dress


From Nancy N.


Crinolyn tenders two Jonathan Kayne creations, short and perky





Perkiness without the skirt




Nancy N. sends this perky number

Miss Francesca Couture - source

Again with the frown...why don't they smile?




She's perky, but the frock is only borderline so

From Kristi




Cute, pert and perky!

From Kristi


More Asian delights






"For those of us into George Martin’s ‘Game of Thrones’ books or screen adaptation…  

"Cersie Lannister attempting to influence a random knight into the service of protecting her son, Tommen…?" 



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