Little Girls Dressed Like Little Boys Dressed as Little Girls

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Occasionally, one of us (in this case Ian) comes across a picture that gets our fantasies going:
 a little girl who looks like a little boy dressed up as a little girl. <SIGH>


(Above right) One on right

Look closely!  Of course, the image has been manipulated, but it is certainly fun!

It is not right on topic, but it kind of belongs here


H.T.: "Here is a scan of a newspaper ad from the early 1960s (I believe) that shows what appears to be a boy wearing a dress, which seems to fit with the headline, 'Everybody's dressing up for Easter!.'
I apologize for the poor quality of the image; it came from old scratched microfiche. The newspaper was probably the Arizona Daily Star.  I came across this ad years ago while researching something else."

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