Petticoats in Combination with Corsets

An inimitable duo!

All enlargeable

(above) Three of our favorites

(above) Annalai

(above right) Zoe

(above left) Fairy Gothmother creation


(BELOW) From The Grand Corset Ball, 2005

This 3 MByte vidclip, compliments Pete, is being featured on our sister site,, but it certainly holds interests for us! 
One of the models is Claudia Schiffer - recorded in the early 90's.

Lacie, who appears frequently on our sister site,
 occasionally treats us with a corset/petti combo, such as this.



Here's something we do not see too often:
An original 'horsehair' crinoline
in a modern setting

Courtesy David M.

(below) A very impressive photograph by very talented Aprilla, provided by Sugarbarre

SR Designs often takes advantage of
the corset/petticoat combo look!
, which features bridal petticoats, posted this.  However, there must be a relationship
with who, in the past, has authorized The Pond to display some of its images.




"Trapped" by Atrophy Regression

Courtesy David M.


Pink Label Corsets makes petticoats -
you might want to visit them.



Pantera, from our
sister site, has sent a winter-
setting corset and petticoat set - here is a sample...

The other pictures can be seen on the LISA here


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