Joan Cairo

As sissy as a girl can get!

All enlargeable

[email protected] 


Joan has a wonderful page - Pay a visit!

"I post Monday (Poetry),  Wednesday (political rants, usually from a more conservative slant), and Friday (where I just prattle)."  

Joan speaks:

Hi.  My Name is  Joan Marie Cairo.  I am an older crossdresser from the Pacific Northwest. As a child I grew up on a street where all the other kids were female.  Since ALL of my friends were girls, I learned the ins and outs of Hop Scotch, Jump Rope, Jacks,  played with dolls  and went to many Tea Parties.  One game I particularly remember was “Dress up”.  Also, I recall each Sunday when all my little friends got to dress up in the finery their moms made on the Singer.  Me, otoh, wore a scratchy suite, hurting shoes, and silly little bow tie. I was SO jealous of my friends!  Anyway, to this day, the style that appeals to me is that of a little girl Party Dress, circa 1957.  I am rather obsessed with it and have amassed a rather large collection of them.  I used to post to   YouTube but due to “reasons”  left  and now post to Bitchute.  Here is my channel, as mentioned above..  

If any other sissy out there is looking for JUST THAT STYLE,  I try to post a link to finding the dress I am wearing..  Some though, are one of a kind… Anyway, that is me…





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