Shy girl!

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From Nicole -

The long and winding road to becoming a Poufbunny started in my early teens.  In the 60's girdles and stockings were still 'in'.  I discovered them in my mother's lingerie drawer, and her prom dress from high school in the attic.  Like so many Poufbunnies before me, I was hooked for life.

Dressing on and off for years, it was not until my 40's that I found my true calling.  I wanted to be a Poufbunny.  Let's face it girls: What could possibly be better than wearing hose, heels and any dress that requires a petticoat.  The maid uniform was the answer to my dreams.  It took awhile
to master the correct skirt length, stiffness of the petticoat and just enough stocking top to be just a little naughty, but still maintain the minimum of modesty.  My other dresses show lots of petticoat and I just adore swishing around the house lost in the feeling of being one of the girls.  One day I will master the makeup and I will show you a pretty face to go along with the wonderful clothes.

I no longer feel guilty about any on it.  I consider it a gift.  All Poufbunnies should escape into their petticoats and forget the troubles of the outside world.  It works for me.




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