Quite a UniKaren dress fan!

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[email protected]

Hi, I'm Tommie!

It started when I was about twelve or thirteen.  My sister and I were playing a board game, and she got up and her dress and petticoat brushed across my face and it tingled.  So one day, when no one was home, I went into her room  and tried on the petticoat and the dress.  It did not fit properly because I was a little bigger then she  so I could  not zip the zipper. The sensation of that taffeta petticoat sent shivers through my body.

I finally moved out and went off to a tech school, I never really started dressing up again, until some time before I  got married to my first wife, which ended in divorce.  She did not understand my lifestyle after I told her about my crossdressing.  I soon met my present wife (Denise), who
was also divorced.  Both of us really hit it off, and then, one day, she said to me, "Why don't we go to a costume dance as Jack and Jill."   Guess
who went as Jill!  After the dance,  I said, " That was a good time dressing as Jill."  Well,  pretty soon I was dressing up every chance I could get."

One day, while surfing the Web, I happened to come across a website, www.unikarendesigns.com  so I checked it out and  found some very lovely dresses, and that UniKaren caters to crossdressers. I found her eBay site and found this French maid's dress.  I put a bid on it, and soon found out that I had won the auction!  When the dress arrived, I planned on surprising my wife by cooking her Sunday morning breakfast in bed. I woke her up and said to her, "Good morning, Mistress Denise, I am your servant for the day."  She could not believe her eyes when she saw me dressed  up as a French maid. Ever since that Sunday morning, she is served her breakfast in  bed. 

I now have a collection of UniKaren dresses, most of which were bought by Denise as a surprise for me. 

The purple satin one on the left (below) has locking loops in the neckline. The other pink one is of taffeta.  The white  one next to it is the wedding dress which Denise bought me for our tenth wedding anniversary.  She said to me,  "When  we got married, I wore a wedding dress.  It is only fair
that you wear one on our tenth anniversary."
(Tessy:  Doesn't she look, happy?!) 

The one at the top of the page is my blue satin party dress; the one at the bottom  is a pink satin party dress.  The white petticoat is from Lacey's

One day while I was surfing the Net. I came upon the Petticoat Pond site via a link from UniKaren's site.  Denise happened to come into the room and saw that I was looking at all the petticoat updates and Poufbunnies, and she said  to me, "Why don't YOU become a Poufbunny?"  So here I am!

I can be reached at [email protected]



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