
"Maiding' is her Specialty!

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Hi, I'm Tracie from the UK,

As you can see I love to dress in a particular way....yes the Maid Uniform is my preferred outfit. I love the short skirted dress with layers of pettis making it stand out, and the way it moves when I walk.

I have been a lover of pettis and full skirted dresses for as long as I can remember, and I have dressed for most of my life.  My favourites, along with the French Maid, are almost anything pouf, and I would love to wear some of the items posted on this site! But I do enjoy the 50's style 'poodle' skirts, wedding dresses and full skirted evening gowns.

I would like to hear from like minded people, so drop me a line at: [email protected]



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