Twin Torment for Timmy

by 'Harve' ©2010



Mum, Auntie Joan and I headed out through the front door and up the garden path (which I managed to navigate without any disaster). The high heels had steel tips which made a disconcerting 'click, clack' as I made my way slowly up the path towards Auntie's small Ford which was parked on the road. However, to be honest, it was actually easier to walk on a hard surface like the pathway in those high heels, than it had been walking on the soft carpet of auntie's lounge when I first tried them on and almost fell over trying to turn around.

Mum got to the garden gate first and opened it for me and Auntie to pass through. I waited for Mum on the footpath, trying to look as unconcerned as I could, because there were two teenage boys walking towards us. As they got closer, I avoided any eye contact and tried my best to look like Audrey Hepburn staring at an imaginary shop window at Tiffany's.  It didn't achieve its aim though, because there was a shrill wolf-whistle from one of the teenagers followed by, 'Hello, gorgeous – how about a date tonight then?' I kept starting into space and hoped they'd go away, which luckily they did. Mum helped by glaring at them, too.

Auntie Joan had by now opened the car doors and it was time to test my new-found feminine skills by getting into the back of the car without revealing anything unladylike. Believe me, it's not as easy as you might think, especially when you're wearing high heel shoes! I think I managed it OK, by sitting down sideways and then shifting my feet across, all the time holding my red frock down from billowing up. Those two louts had stopped to watch my performance at getting into a small car without revealing my stocking tops or other feminine fripperies, and I guess they were a bit disappointed at not seeing anything other than maybe a quick flash of my nyloned thighs as I shifted my feet across into the car.

'Well done, Tina!' said Mum in an encouraging voice. We drove up to the top of the road into the High Street and I couldn't help but stare into the window of the cycle shop as we went past. Things had taken a definite turn for the better with my savings for the Claude Butler racing bike, thanks to my modelling for Tina that day. I had also learnt how to walk in high heels and get into the back of a car in a flouncy frock, so it had been quite a learning experience one way or the other. I couldn't imagine my newfound skills would ever be called on again, but Auntie had said to Mum as they watched me take my first hesitant steps in her lounge, that once you've learned to walk in heels, you never forget the knack. We were soon outside our house, and it was time for me to try the reverse procedure of getting out of a small car without revealing too much, and not falling over once I took my first steps up our path.


We turned and waved goodbye to Auntie Joan, and, as I turned back to walk back up the path to the front door I realised I had managed to turn both times in Auntie's high heels without any problem. Mum followed me up the path and opened the door. We were home at last and my 'modelling adventure' was over.

However, there was the small matter of first sitting down with Mum to discuss the results of my afternoon's 'modelling' in Tina's party frock. 'I was really pleased with your efforts, Timmy,' said Mum. 'Not a lot of boys of your age would have done what you did today, what with perhaps being called a 'sissy' if they'd been found out. But those two louts who wolf-whistled at you as we were waiting to get into Joan's car were totally fooled, weren't they? You did really well to learn to walk in her black high heels so quickly. When you almost fell over in her lounge after you first tried her shoes on, I thought you had bitten off a bit more than you could chew – but you quickly got used to them and I have to admit, they really looked glamourous on you.'

'Of course, now we have to think of your sister Tina wearing them, don't we? I don't think you would want to be claiming them for your own in future, would
you?' I had to agree …

However, it was now time to get out of Tina's frock and all the other feminine finery. I got out of Auntie Joan's high heels without any trouble, but I needed Mum's help with the zip at the back of the red party frock. Getting out of a frock is actually more difficult than getting into it, I soon found. Gravity now works against rather than for you …

But with some help from Mum, the pretty red frock I had been wearing for several hours was lifted up over my shoulders, and I was now left in my bra, girdle, stockings and, of course, the lacy petticoats. I just stepped out of the petticoats and Mum undid the pink bra for me. 'Just sit down, Timmy,' said Mum.  'I'll undo your nylons for you, because you wouldn't want to ladder them. I'm sure Tina will be wearing them too when she gets home at the end of the week!'

So Mum carefully undid the front suspenders on my girdle and I moved left and then right so she could unhitch the side and rear ones. 'You've done really well, Timmy' said Mum. 'Wearing such sheer stockings for the first time is not easy. I think I laddered my first pair within barely an hour, when I first tried wearing them. But yours are still perfect!'

Mum carefully folded my nylons up and put them to the side and then it was just a matter of unzipping the girdle and its hooks and eyes, and finally I was out of it. I think the worst single thing I had had to put up with that afternoon was that girdle. Wearing it had been progressively sheerer hell. I had overheard Mum and other ladies talking in the past about their problems with girdles, but now I had found out for myself just what they had been talking about. If I ever heard another lady whispering about her 'girdle killing her,' I would know only too well from my personal experience just what she was talking about.

Finally, I was just left with the padded panties, and they came down very easily to leave me wearing my own briefs only. I was finally free of all that feminine frippery, and could get dressed in my own clothes again.

'What are you going to do with all the underclothes and those shoes Miss Fotheringale got for me to put on, Mum?' I asked. 'Surely Tina won't be needing to wear those padded bra and briefs and tight girdle, will she?'

'No, she won't' replied Mum. 'Maybe you could pop them into Miss Fotheringale's shop one afternoon for me, would you?'

'OK, Mum' I replied. 'What about the shoes, too?'

Mum thought for a bit and then said, 'Well, Tina is old enough now to be wearing high heels and if you could manage wearing them, then she should also be able to without any problems. So I'll package up these low-heeled ones and they can go back to the shop too. We'll just have to hope that Tina is as good walking in her first high heels as you were today, Timmy!'

Discussions then moved on to the amount of money I now had compiled towards my new racing bike, which Mum was holding on my behalf. Clearly today's modelling had increased the total quite a bit, but I was still short by a small amount of the almost 50 Pounds that the Claude Butler bike cost. However, I got paid on Fridays for my newspaper delivery round, and I reckoned that additional 30 shillings would just be enough to make that magic 50 quid. And so it turned out! On Friday, I got my weekly wages from the newsagents at just after 4PM. Of course, I had to return the package of the now unwanted frillies and the shoes into Miss Fotheringales Salon, but that only took a minute. I certainly wasn't going to hang around there, just in case they needed me for some more modelling duties!

I then rushed down the High Street to Charlie's Cycles to pay the money for the bicycle of my dreams, having already been given the rest of it from my cycle savings fund by Mum. I rode the new bike back home as quickly as I could, avoiding the temptation to go via the local hill for a bit of showing off. Besides, it looked like it was going to rain …

At 7.15 PM, Tina was due in on the train from London at our local station, and both Mum and I were there to greet her. I carried her bags to a taxi and we headed home. She was looking a bit tired but even more pretty than ever. 'I'm so glad to see you all again' said Tina.

Has anything interesting been going on while I've been away, Timmy?'

'Not really', I answered. 'Oh, yes - I've finally got myself another bicycle …'


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