Petti Pictures

(Mostly unidentified designers)

All enlargeable

(above) Ireland 1954


Two From Life Magazine, September 6, 1954


Eclectic runway offering...
Perhaps not a hoop--rigid material?
From Kristi


A unique creation!
Visible petticoat/underskirt

John N.


Five examples from Paris Couture Week 2012

Unidentified designers


Ken R.:

"As with the New York Fashion Week, the 2010 London Week had fashion examples that ran the gamut from
beautiful to hideous. There are some lovely Pond examples, too numerous for The Pond updates; a Google search
will fill the bill fine.  Right was in a New York Daily News report on the current London show. Nice dress and model
 but what's with the stockings? Awful."


What Kristi likes to call an 'inverted crinoline.'  Quite unique.

"Every hero needs a villain-an anti-hero-to exhibit and justify their heroic deeds.  Evidently, this seems to be the case with this photo-creating an anti-crinoline facing upwards.  While not traditionally girlish, the effect of the antipodal crinoline orientation would be very noticeable, and constantly reminding the wearer of the femininity of the super haute couture creation she is wearing. Thus it appears that creativity is not waning, and I like that idea!"


Not sure if this gown, sent by John N.,
is specifically a Spanish dance costume, or
merely a designer's use of the concept.

In any case, it is surely delicious!

Elizabeth Ann: "This is most likely 'a designer's use of the concept," like you've stated.  Looks like a runway pose (and background), and the shoes are wrong for
dancing most cultural dances.  (I've done ballroom dance in both gender roles, and I would never attempt Spanish dance in those heels!) Love that dress, though!"


Rhino sends these from a breast cancer awareness function:




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