Petti Pictures



Dave Barber:

"From a UK glamour firm, Rosalind Woods.  Incidentally, I designed this one for myself; so much did they like it, they copied it.  I wish I
had a royalty for every one sold!"






[below] Petticoat designs (Click to enlarge):


Taffeta skirt (2004): "Please DO tell EVERYONE I have had stunning reactions from show biz people - your world-famous Pontani Sisters loved them, as did a famous cancan troupe in Paris. I have been invited to meet them all when they visit the UK (I hope)." 



David Barber:

"Here are two cancan dress sketch ideas I did in 2004;
I would be most pleased to know people's comments.
They are in taffeta, with taffeta petticoats and panties and must NOT be copied or made, without
my permission FIRST; if made up, I would like to be credited with the designs."

Both can be enlarged



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