AUGUST, 2021
A girlfriend years ago and I both enjoyed
petticoats (she's in disguise)
as you can see here. She had a dog that needed
walking last thing at
night; we'd play cards and the loser walked the
dog dressed as dressed!

Long time local petticoat friend Vickie came by
for an evening of
sipping beer, girl talk, and just enjoying being
friends. We still meet
occasionally for lunch, well as guys!
I don't always wear petticoats, but in the early
1990's ago
this whole closet was dedicated to them including
this awesome
multi pastel colored one by Fantasia.

Of all places, I found this party dress (with
built in petticoat) at K-Mart!
But, it wasn't full enough so I removed the
single layer petticoat and
wore my own.

Years ago my Kittygirl just loved the Barbie doll
in her poodle skirt
and, above years later Barbie was in a
party dress with petticoat.