(Text under picture)


Organza is a very busy person, but accesses her e-mail a couple of time a week:

[email protected]

A few words about myself:

Hi, I'm Organza.

I am basically a guy who enjoys dressing up as a women in for the purpose of entertainment or performing. I have been involved and enjoyed this off and on for the last 20 years. I have performed in shows as a Female Impersonator and as a Mime in drag. I often perform as a mime with the traditional white face as above. The costumes or dresses which I most often perform in are often baby doll or little girl style dresses always with crinolines or petticoats and lots of ruffles and lace, closely resembling that of a porcelain doll. I enjoy getting creative with it and trying different looks. I enjoy trying to create a feminine illusion through the makeup and costumes (not that I always succeed)!

I have performed and produced shows from North Carolina to Alaska. Most of my shows are a unique combination of Mime and Female Impersonation with a hint of Comedy and Magic. The mannequin mime characterizations are humorous creations, using precise movements and evocative stillness.

Tink is the stage name for the mime, behind the classic white face I can become many different characters with constantly changing moods, emotions and actions. Through the change of a costume, I transform into many different and enjoyable characters. What I enjoy the most is just the opportunity to perform, the many beautiful costumes and characters.


The picture above is from a glamour shot. I am wearing a beautiful pink satin and organza wedding gown. I love all types of wedding and formal gowns. I wish I had a full length picture so you could see how full the dress is with layers and layers of crinolines underneath yards of pink organza.

All of my dresses, gowns and costumes are made of fabrics such as organza, chiffon, satin and taffeta with lots of ruffles and lace. Most of my dresses and costumes come from some sort of a fantasy or story book world. Most also require large crinolines or petticoats to fill them out and offer the feminine look and experience.

I bet some people are wondering where the name Organza Towers came from. Organza came from some of my costumes that are made out of organza, a material often used in wedding and formal dresses as well as crinolines. Towers came from me, when you are 6'4" in stocking feet and 6'8" in high heels you basically could be considered a tower.

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