"Layer Upon Layer"
petticoat aficionados
own a great many petticoats, of all uses, types, lengths, fabrics,
sewing constructions, etc.
Is there such a thing as owning (or having)
too many petticoats?
Suggested by Elizabeth
Ronna 5/26/16
Too many (petticoats) is when you have them piled high and don't wear
them. Sometimes it may be that a petti is too old and you have a more
that is the same style. So why save the old one? Or maybe you caught the
petti on something and ripped a layer loose. Do you cut the ripped part
off and continue wearing it, or do you laboriously sew the ripped ruffle
back on? Or simply replace the petti and donate the ripped one! So the
bottom line is
having several very nice pettis of various lengths and fullness that you
actually do wear! The rest can be donated so you have some sane
condition of the closet! It is OK to save one or two old ones for making
costumes, but when you have a dozen or so that you have not worn for a
year then it is time to clear out some. Best to donate them to a charity
so some less fortunate person can enjoy them! The difference between
having a good collection and being a
petti hoarder is common sense!
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