Although I have never had the desire to wear
them myself, I have always been a great lover of "can-can 'petticoats. I
love to watch those old 1950's musicals. My favourite, "Silk
Stockings," where Cyd Charisse dances around in what has to be the
most exquisite can-can petticoat ever made! My first real experience with
petticoats occurred in 1960.
Although I grew up in the 1950s, I never
really remember ever enjoying more than the odd fleeting glimpse of petticoat
lace here and there. In 1960, I was just nine years old. I had a pretty
seventeen year old cousin who lived round the corner. She would often come to
visit our grandma, who lived with us. I loved it when she came, as she always
wore bouffant dresses, obviously supported by masses of "can can"
petticoats, judging by the lovely swishing noise when she walked. I loved to
answer the door when she came to visit, so that I could follow her up the
stairs, sufficiently far behind to glance up and catch a brief glimpse of her
petticoats. On that particular Sunday, she had come for lunch, and her dress
was exceptionally bouffant. As I followed her up the stairs I caught a glimpse
of her legs emerging from the most incredible "froth" of
Later, after lunch, my cousin was seated on an armchair in the corner. She had
fanned out the back of her full circular pleated skirt behind her, but had
done it in such an expert way, that not the slightest glimpse of petticoat
lace was visible! I in the meanwhile was playing some sort of game that
required me to crawl along the floor (remember, I was only nine,). I had
crawled unobserved into the corner behind my cousin's chair and happened to
look up!
I remember my mouth dropping open in wonder! As I
was now behind my cousin's chair, I was treated to a wondrous display of my
cousin,s petticoats, and no one knew I was there! I had never seen a girl's
petticoats in such detail before, and I sat there enraptured for a full 5
minutes. The petticoats were simply gorgeous. What seemed like countless
layers of pink pleated nylon tulle, three rows of pink shiny ribbon, all
decorated round the edge by a delicate cream coloured lace that was gathered
to give a much frillier effect.
I particularly loved it where the petticoats were
gathered so that the lace was like a creamy froth of frills.
As I looked up, my cousin suddenly looked down, saw
me and smiled. I went bright red! I quickly crawled off ant went up to my
About 10 minutes later there was a knock at my
door. It was my cousin, asking to know what I had been looking at! Seeing my
fear, she smiled, sat me down beside her on my bed and told me she knew I had
been "peeking at her petticoats" I was speechless. She laughed, and
said she hoped I thought they were pretty, because she had only bought them
last week and they were very expensive! To my delight, she then lifted the
edge of her dress and began to show me the exquisite petticoats in all their
frilly glory. She explained that the petticoat was in fact only one layer,
more than 100 yards of tulle, but was all pleated and gathered to give that
delightful multi layered effect. She then kissed me on the cheek and
Unfortunately, about six months later, petticoats went out of fashion!
While I'm on the subject, does any one remember a
movie about a young girl being held hostage in a room with a man? The
girl was wearing a bouffant dress, and about a third of the way through the
movie, she removed the dress and spent the rest of the time in her very, very
full and frilly can can petticoat! Does anyone remember such a movie or did I
dream it?!
Also, does anyone have copies of adverts from the
late fifties for a detergent called "Stergene?" The ads. featured
great pictures of pretty girls wearing petticoats
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