Square Dance Images


Square dance dresses in the
1975 Sears Western Wear 
Catalog, sent by Barbara Rustle




Elizabeth has provided this pleasant picture from the July, 2006 issue of National Geographic magazine.
The article is entitled 'Shall We Dance?'

CAPTION:  "Skirts bloom at a square dance in Albany, Oregon.  'It's friendship set to music,' says
 Marilyn Schmitt, who met her husband on a square dance date 16 years ago."

(The picture in the magazine is blurry because the subjects are in motion.)


Here for more of above

(above) The Era - right can be enlarged

(above right) vintage


(above) Ken K. sent in this nice square dance shot -- click on the picture for a VERY detailed shot of the girl's pettis!

(below) Japanese gals have always intrigued many of us...and Japanese square dancers are no exception. (click to enlarge).


 At the 54th National Square Dance
Convention in Portland Oregon (2005).




Karl N. found this square dance image in West Magazine
in the 1 Oct 06 issue of the Los Angeles Times.





...from the July 2006 issue of National Geographic magazine.


"The picture in the magazine is out of focus; ergo, so is my scan.  The out-of-focus was, I'm sure, to try to provide a sense of the dancer's movements to the magazine reader's eye."


Ed: It rather artistically enhances the image!




 Well, Elizabeth went to heaven one day at a square dance in sunny. Here are  California.  Here are the results.




Thomas and Jutta point out this page, which contains some nice pictures of a 2009 square dance event in Germany




"I sure love to square dance.  Away from my group for over two months, I try to keep up (and learn new ways to 'work the skirts') by watching YouTube videos (no not all with Poufies).  Still, some of the best groups for the Poufie pictures come from the Northwest and from the PNTSDF groups which have dress codes and festivals with coordinated outfits.  So, here are some directions in which to look:

Groups like:

The Delta Sun Dancers
The Jacks and Jills
Wesburn Wranglers

Site: Teen Zone

You might also take a peek at a couple cute pictures.  Most groups have galleries, of course.
Pictures like this bode well for the next generation of pettis and their 'lovers'"

Square dancing (2001), properly angled


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