Petticoat Pond Images:

Cage Crinolines, Hoops and Panniers
Page Four

All enlargeable

A 1957 hoop-y ad

Picture only

Koreans like this type


An interesting look at an Era performer giving herself a once-over before going in stage - and
 that precious wire bustle!

From Crinolyn 


Runway designer cage

Provided by Kristi

(Wonder what's sticking on her mouth?)


On the up side for the ladies, cage crinolines served as an effective
way to ward off unwanted advances; not so "up" for the gentlemen
From Sylvia Marie


Punch, 1857 - inflatable crinolines
From Sylvia Marie



Here's an unusual treatment!

Jane Woolrich Lingerie


This could be a standard hoop, but more likely a Korean-style hoop

Korean hoops are bulky at the top and thus give a more bell-like shape to the skirt.



"Some rather unusual dresses here,
 some  nice shapes...bottom of page:"


A very pleasant image  from Nordseevideo.  Give them a visit!


"The Hoopskirts of Metro East"

Article pointed out by Crinolyn


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