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Now these are dirndls! the true sense of the word
Apparently there exists in the early 21st century a corruption of the word in Germany, where anything that is bouffant or full is called  a 'dirndl'.  Marketing, we presume. Historically, they were a specific 'folk' costume,
most of which reflected the town from which they originated. This kind of hints at that.

A while back, we had a short discussion about dirndls, and how many modern 'dirndls' do not reflect the historic definition.
Here are some that qualify under the classic definition:









Let's just hope this
dirndl-clad gal
swing into the water!

Provided by 'Captain Marno'


Appears to be a legacy dirndl

From Crinolyn


A bit of a dirndl, with a nice crease
From Sylvia Marie


From Roland L.:

"A nice shot from a catalog of the dirndl seller Redl (in Munich and other sites).

Next time, at the Oktoberfest, we will see some of them walking along the Wies’n."


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