Fiction by Claudette © 2004, all rights reserved


The next morning when Mommy woke him up with a kiss on his cheek, she told him to put on the little bathrobe and slippers she left for him on a chair in the corner, and then come downstairs for breakfast.

After a minute he got up and looked over at the chair. There was a pink terry-cloth robe and a pair of shiny white slippers. He put the robe and slippers on and went downstairs.

Mommy was standing at the stove frying bacon and eggs. She looked over at him with a nice smile.

“Hi sweetheart!” she said. “Did Mommy’s little girl have a nice sleep?”

“Yes Mommy,” he answered. He sat down at the table and his mother brought a glass of orange juice to him.

“Beth dear, you forgot to smooth your robe behind you when you sat down,” she said.

“Don’t forget to do that, sweetheart, or you’ll get wrinkles in your robe.”

“Yes Mommy,” he answered automatically, still feeling a little sleepy.

“Stand up dear,” she said to him. “You’ve crossed the front of your robe the wrong way.” She came over to him and loosened the sash and then showed him how girls always closed the left side first and then the right side over it. When she was finished, she bent down and held his head while she gave him a little kiss on his lips.

“Oh sweetheart! You look so cute!” said Betsy. “I could just hug you forever. But we have to get going today. One of Mommy’s friends is coming over later this morning. You have to take your bubble-bath and get dressed before she gets here. Mommy wants her to see what a pretty little girl she has now.”

“Do I have to dress like a girl today again Mommy?” he asked.

“Now sweetheart... We went all through that last night,” said Betsy. “From now on you’re going to be Mommy’s little girl. I know you don’t like it yet, and it all seems strange to you. But after a while you’ll be glad Mommy turned you into a pretty girl. You’ll see.”

“But I don’t want to be a girl Mommy,” he said loudly in an angry tone.

“Beth! If you ever speak like that again to me, you’ll get a spanking. Now be a good girl and eat your breakfast. And remember to sit up nice and straight.”

"Yes Mommy,” he answered in a quiet voice. Mommy was so much bigger than he was that it scared him when she got angry. He remembered a couple of past spankings.

After they finished having breakfast, they went upstairs and Mommy filled the bathtub and put some pretty smelling bubble-bath crystals in it. He took off his robe and slippers and then his baby-doll nightie and got into the bathtub. Betsy smiled down at him. He was almost covered up by the bubbles.

“Wash your face and neck, and your ears too dear,” said Betsy. “Afterwards you’ll smell pretty like a nice little girl.”

She went back to his bedroom and, after she made his bed, she began to put the clothes she wanted him to wear on it. She had already taken a shower before she woke him up, and was wearing the same ‘mother and daughter’ dress she wore the day before. She wanted him to wear his today too, since they were having a friend of hers coming over to visit. But she put some fresh panties and one of his white bouffant slips out for him to wear. Under her dress, she was wearing two white petticoats, so they’d look like they were even wearing the same lingerie as well.

About fifteen minutes later she went back in the bathroom and told him to stand up on the bath mat while she dried him with a fluffy towel. Then he put on his robe again and followed Betsy back into his bedroom, surprised that his bed was already made. He looked at the dress and things lying on the bed and sighed. He was going to be wearing girls clothes again. And he was afraid that it was going to be like this every morning now.

Betsy felt wonderful as she dressed him up nice and pretty. Afterwards she brought him into her bedroom and fixed his bangs and tied his ponytail with a big pink ribbon bow. Then she used her eyebrow pencil, mascara and lipstick, and brushed a bit of blush on his cheeks. She smiled down at him when she was finished. “Now my pretty girl is all set for today,” she said, still smiling. She bent down and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. Even though he didn’t like to have to wear girl clothes again, he put his arms around Betsy’s waist and hugged her.

“Sweetheart, this summer is going to be one wonderful day after another!” said Betsy. “We’ll have lots of fun together. And you have fun playing with other girls, too.”

“Yes Mommy,” he replied, sadly resigned to looking like a girl again for another day.

“Smile nice honey,” said Betsy. “Mommy has a little present for you downstairs.”

“What is it Mommy?” he asked.

“Come along dear,” said Betsy. “It’s something you’ll have fun with.” She took his hand as they went downstairs together, their dresses whispering against each other.

The present turned out to be a girls coloring book. He sat at the kitchen table and opened it up. Inside there were pictures of Little Bo Peep, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, fairies and butterflies, and cute little kitties. Betsy put a big box of crayons on the table near him.

“I bought these for you a couple of weeks ago before you got out of school,” said Betsy with a nice smile. “And I’ll buy you some more presents if you’re a good little girl. Now what do you say dear?”

“Thank you Mommy,” he said. He started coloring in one of the butterflies.

“That’s a good girl,” said Betsy. “Always remember your manners, sweetheart.”

About a half hour later the front doorbell rang. Betsy went into the parlor and opened the door. Her friend Sally Carter, a pretty woman, was standing there with a nice smile. They said ‘Hello’ to each other and put their cheeks together, and then Betsy told her to come in and sit down. Mrs. Carter was wearing a pretty yellow dress with white petticoats under it. She sat down in a chair and Betsy told her she’d be right back.

She went into the kitchen and told Beth to come with her. She had a big smile on her face as she held his hand and walked back into the parlor with him.

They sat down on the couch together and Betsy slipped her arm around his shoulders. She noted with satisfaction that he remembered to smooth his dress behind him when he sat down, and to keep his knees and feet together.

“Sally, this is my little girl, Beth,” said Betsy. “I don’t think you ever met her before.”

“Your little girl?” said a surprised Sally. “How long have you had a little girl?”

“Well actually he used to be my little boy,” said Betsy. “But now he likes being my little girl. Don’t you darling?” She tugged his shoulder a little.

“Yes Mommy,” he answered, trying to smile, afraid that he’d probably get a spanking if he said he didn’t like it.

“Stand up dear, so Mrs. Carter can see you better.” He stood up in front of the couch.

Mrs. Carter got up and came over to them, bent down and looked closely at Beth. “Betsy! He looks so cute!” said Sally. 

“And he really does make such a pretty little girl. And ‘mother and daughter’ dresses! That’s so sweet!” She gave him a little hug and kissed his cheek.

“I took him to Francine’s salon yesterday to get his hair dyed like mine, and then we went shopping at SUGAR & SPICE. It’s such a wonderful store for little girls!”

“Oh! I can’t believe it!” said Sally. “He’s absolutely darling!” She sat back down in her chair, but couldn’t take her eyes off Beth. Beth sat down again, smoothing his dress behind him, and kept his hands in his lap while Betsy put her arm around his shoulders.

“Well,” said Betsy, “I decided that the last thing I wanted was for him to grow up and be like his father....running off with another woman and leaving me alone to raise a child.”

“Oh, I don’t blame you!” said Sally. “How long is he going to be your little girl?”

“Well at first I thought I’d make him my little girl just for the summer. But I think he’s already too much like a girl to let him ever be a boy again,” said Betsy.

“Oh! You must be delighted with how he looks,” said Sally. “Jane Belmore used to dress her little boy like a girl...just for an afternoon’s fun. But Beth’s so pretty! I’d never let him wear pants again if he was my child.”

“I don’t think he wants to be a boy again now,” said Betsy. “Do you honey?”

“No Mommy,” he answered softly. “I like being a girl.”

“Do you like pretty dresses and poufy slips darling?” asked Sally.

“Yes Mrs. Carter,” he answered, forcing himself to smile a little.

“Sweetheart,” said Betsy, “Stand up and show Mrs. Carter your pretty panties and slip dear.”

He got off the couch and went over to Mrs. Carter. Then he raised up his dress and poufy slip so she could see his panties.”

“Turn around honey, so she can see the back of them too,” said Betsy. He did as she told him, showing her the pretty ruffles of lace across the back of them.

“Oh, they’re so pretty!” said Sally. “Now let me see your lovely slip dear.”

He dropped his slip down and turned back so he was facing her again.

“What a pretty, pretty petticoat!” said Sally. “Even when you can’t see it, it must make you feel so pretty knowing it’s under your dress!”

“Yes, Mrs. Carter,” he said. “So do my panties. And I like wearing a dress just like Mommy’s. She’s pretty, and I want to be just like Mommy when I become a big girl.”

“Oh darling! Let me give you a nice big kiss dear,” said Sally. She gently pulled him to her and gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. He held onto her waist while she hugged and kissed him. Then she let go of him and he sat down next to Betsy again.

“Betsy, he makes such a well mannered and pretty girl! You must be very proud of him. How do you ever stop hugging him?!” She sat down again.

“Well,”said Betsy, “I guess I do hug and kiss him quite a lot. And in the evening we cuddle on the couch together while we watch television. He likes that. Don’t you Beth?”

“Yes Mommy,” he answered truthfully.

“Oh Betsy! If you ever have to go anywhere, I’d love to take care of him for you.”

“Thank you Sally. But I don’t plan to leave my little girl now. It’s so wonderful to dress him up nice and pretty in the mornings. And he really doesn’t know how to put his own makeup on yet. There’s a lot more little girl things I have to teach him.”

“Oh! I envy you so much!” said Sally. “It must be like a dream come true!”

“Yes, it is,” said Betsy. “And I can tell that he’s starting to really like being my little girl now. Aren’t you darling?”

“Yes Mommy,” he answered. “Being a girl is a lot nicer than being a boy.”

“He’s simply adorable!” said Sally.

“Sweetheart,” said Betsy, “why don’t you go out to the kitchen and play with your coloring book some more while Mrs. Carter and I talk for a while.”

“Alright Mommy,” he replied. “It was nice to meet you Mrs. Carter.”

“And I loved meeting you too, sweetheart,” said Sally.

He walked back into the kitchen and began coloring the butterfly he had been working on. He thought Mrs. Carter was a nice lady. She smelled very pretty when she hugged him, just like Mommy did. He could hear the two women talking and laughing a little.

He had almost finished coloring in a picture of a little kitty when he heard Mommy calling him back to the parlor. He got up and shook the skirt of his dress and poufy slip to make them fluff up pretty again. Then he walked back into the parlor.

“Yes Mommy?” he asked.

“Sweetheart, Mrs. Carter has to leave now. Give her a hug and kiss ‘goodbye’.”

Sally bent down as he walked up to her. She smiled down at him.

“The next time I visit you darling,” said Sally, “I bring you a nice little present.”  Then she hugged him to her and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Afterwards, he went went over and stood next to Betsy.

“Now smile nice and pretty honey,” said Betsy as she primped the bow on his ponytail.

“Mrs. Carter is going to take a picture of us. Isn’t that nice?”

“Yes Mommy,” he replied. “Will she show it to us?”

“Yes dear,” answered Betsy, “the next time she stops over in a few days. Now smile pretty like a nice girl.”

Betsy put her arm around Beth’s shoulders and the both of them smiled nice at the camera. There was a bright flash as Sally took the picture, and then smiled at them.

“Thank you so much Sally,” said Betsy. “If you let me have the negative, I’ll get a big enlargement of it to hang here in the parlor.”

“No, no!” said Sally. “That’ll be a present for you. And I’ll get a smaller one for myself, also. I can hardly wait to show it to my friends and tell them about him. The two of you look so nice together in your ‘mother and daughter’ dresses. It’s wonderful how he looks like such a pretty girl! He’s a lucky boy to have a mother like you! Let me take a picture of you sitting down together.” Both of them had nice smiles.

Betsy and Beth sat down on the couch. Betsy put her arm around Beth’s shoulders and Sally took another picture of them.

“Thanks so much Sally,” said Betsy as Sally put the camera back in her big pocket book. “Please stop over again soon. It’s so good to talk to you. But get three big framed enlargements and I’ll pay you for them: one for my bedroom, and another for Beth’s bedroom, too, as well as the one for here in the parlor. Bring some of the other girls with you next time. I love to show off my little girl.”

“Alright,” said Sally. “I know they’d love seeing what a pretty little girl you’ve turned him into.” She came over and gave Beth a hug and kiss goodbye, and then said goodbye to Betsy and left.

“What other girls Mommy?” asked Beth.

“Sweetheart,” explained Betsy, “ladies sometimes call their friends ‘girls’ even though they’re big ladies. She’ll bring over some of Mommy’s other friends with her when she brings the nice big pictures of us. I’m so glad we wore our ‘mother & daughter’ dresses again today. It’ll be just the type of nice big picture I can put on the parlor wall for all our visitors to see. Won’t that be nice honey?”

“You mean everyone that comes here will see my picture Mommy?” he asked a little frightened. What if some of his friends stopped in looking for him? That’d be awful!

“Yes sweetheart,” said Betsy, as if she could read his mind. “But don’t worry honey. Your friends wouldn’t know you if they saw you now.”

He thought about that for a while. In one of the dining room buffet drawers, there was a picture of him Mommy had taken when he was still a boy. He decided to get it later and see how much different he looked now.

When he finished helping Mommy do the dishes that night, he went out to the buffet while Mommy was putting the plates and things away. He pulled open the top drawer. There were a bunch of 5” X 7” pictures in a fat envelope. He began to go through them, and suddenly he found the one of himself taken about a two months ago when he was still dressed like a boy. He took it out of the envelope and held it in his hands. He placed it along side his face so he could see it next to him in the mirror over the buffet. Suddenly Mommy snatched it out of his hand!

“I thought I heard the buffet drawer squeak,”she said. “What are you doing Beth?”

“I just wanted to see the picture of myself when I was a boy Mommy,” he said.

“No, no sweetheart,” she said. “You’ll have a much nicer picture of yourself soon, with Mommy standing next to her little girl. I don’t think it would be good for you to look at this old picture.” She quickly tore it into pieces and dropped them into a waste basket.

“But why Mommy?” he asked.

“Because you’re a little girl now dear,” she told him. “And your memories now will be much nicer ones than when you were a boy. Honey, some day when you’re older, you’ll look back at this time as the happiest days of your life. All little girls do. Now come upstairs with me. Mommy wants to try a new hair style on you.”

“Yes Mommy,” he said, still feeling disappointed about the picture.

Betsy took his hand as they went upstairs to her room. She had him sit down at her dressing table and untied the bow on his ponytail.

“Gee Mommy!” he said in surprise. “I thought you liked my ponytail.”

“I do dear,” said Betsy. “But you might look even cuter with two of them.” She began to divide his hair in back of his bangs, and combed it to the sides, combing the hair on his neck forward to the rest of it and slipped an elastic band over it. She did the same thing on the other side of his head. Then she tied pretty pink ribbon bows over the elastics on both sides. Bending her head down next to his, she looked in the mirror with him.

“Oh! You look so darling! It makes you look like a precious little girl even younger than you are now! Do you like it sweetheart?”

Gosh! He looked like a girl that was only about or five six years old! And being a shorter than most boys his age, people probably would think he was a really little girl.

“Two ponytails Mommy?” he asked.

“Yes honey,” said Betsy with a loving smile. “You look so cute! She bent forward and gave him a big hug from behind.

“You’re so precious!” She kissed his cheek.

“I wish I had started dressing you nice and pretty when you were about three or four years old. You would have looked so sweet at that age! But Mommy loves her little girl no matter what age you are.” She kissed his cheek again.

“Can we watch television now Mommy?” he asked.

“Yes sweetheart,” she replied. “Hold my hand and we’ll go back downstairs.”

As they sat on the couch together, Betsy put an arm around his shoulders and primped his bangs a little.

“You know honey,” she began, “when Mommy first dressed you up, I had no idea you’d look like such a pretty girl. Aren’t you happy being my little girl now sweetheart? Mommy tries to buy you the prettiest things to wear and other things to play with. Don’t you think being a girl is better than being a boy now? Tell Mommy the truth sweetheart.”

“But Mommy, how can a boy turn into a girl?” he asked.

“Well honey, maybe someday a doctor will be able to turn you into a real girl. But until then, isn’t it nicer dressing pretty and doing girl things? Mommy tries very hard to make you happy and to teach you everything about little girls; not just how they dress, but how they keep themselves pretty, and to be polite like a good girl. Sometimes in the morning, after I’ve dressed you up nice and pretty, I’ve seen you smile at yourself in the mirror. Little girls always do that when they see how pretty they look. And you do it, too. You wouldn’t smile if you didn’t like it sweetheart.”

“But Mommy,” he said, “I don’t have anyone to play with now. My friends wouldn’t want to play with a sissy. I wish I was still a boy.”

“Don’t worry darling,” said Betsy. “Now that you know how to behave like a nice girl, you’ll start playing with other girls.”

“Girls Mommy?”

“Yes honey,” answered Betsy. “You’ll have lots of fun with other little girls. By the way, that reminds me. Tomorrow Mommy’s going to take you shopping for a few things you can play with. And maybe we’ll get you some more new things to wear, too.”

“What kind of things can I play with Mommy?” he asked.

“Well, every twelve year old girl should have a nice doll to play with sweetheart. And we’ll get you a jump rope and a set of Jacks to play with, too.”

“A doll?” he asked in dismay.

“Yes precious. There’s a lot more to playing with a doll than boys know. I’ll teach you how. You’ll see. It’s a lot of fun Beth. Mommy wants her little girl to be happy.”

“What does ‘precious’ mean Mommy?”

“It means something that is very special that you love. And that’s the way Mommy feels about you dear.” She tugged him to her side and gave him a kiss on his cheek, her eyes shining with happiness over having such a cute little girl now. Still, she knew that it wasn’t the only reason she had started to dress him like a girl. She had no idea where her ex-husband was, but she wished he could see what she had made out of their little boy. Happiness at having a little girl and revenge on her ex-husband ran side by side in her.

But she did love Beth. He acted like a nice girl when they had company and when she took him shopping. She knew he did it in the store so other people wouldn’t know he was really a boy dressed like a girl. But by doing it often, he’d get in the habit of acting like a nice girl all the time. And she loved seeing him looking so nice in his pretty dresses. It would be wonderful to watch him playing with his doll and with other girls!

A program was just starting on the television...THE LORETTA YOUNG SHOW. She was a beautiful woman and Mommy’s favorite actress. And at the start of the show, she always came through a door and spun around to close it, her skirt flaring and her petticoats swirling into view. Betsy thought it would be a good program for her little girl to watch. She could explain the “big people” parts of it to Beth.

But later when there was a commercial, she looked down at Beth with a smile. “Sweetheart,” she asked, “will you try to like being a girl for Mommy? I love you so much dear. And it would make Mommy so happy.”

He looked up at her and didn’t answer for a few seconds. Mommy looked so pretty.

“Alright Mommy,” he answered. “I guess there are some things about being a girl that I like already anyway.”

“Oh, thank you precious!” said Betsy as she pulled him tighter to her side and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Later that night when Beth was in bed, Betsy got into her bed. As she lay there waiting for sleep to come, she wondered what the things were about being a girl that Beth already liked. She hoped with all her heart that they were the precious and pretty things that all little girls liked.


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