Fiction by Claudette © 2004, all rights reserved


The next morning at breakfast Betsy looked over at Beth. Beth had said something the night before that his mother wanted to explore a little deeper.

“Beth honey, last night you told Mommy that there were some things about being a pretty little girl that you already liked.”

“Yes Mommy,” he said as he ate some marmalade-covered toast. Beth tended to be all business when he was eating. Only occasionally did he indulge in any breakfast chat. Betsy knew that it was like pulling teeth to get him to say anything while he was eating, which was no doubt good manners for anyone, provided it wasn’t carried to extremes.

Before he could take another bite of the toast, Betsy told him to stop eating for a minute. She was dying to find out what it was that he admitted to like about being a girl. It could be the key to getting him to be her little girl for good.

“What they are sweetheart? Are you starting to like pretty things? Please Beth, stop eating for a minute and tell Mommy.”

“Well,” he said with a thoughtful expression on his face, “do you promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“Why sweetheart? Mommy is very proud of you when you behave like a nice little girl. Is it your pretty clothes dear?”

“Sort of,” he said, his taciturn reply almost driving Betsy to exasperation!

“What do you mean... ‘sort of’ ?” asked Betsy. She felt that she was possibly on the verge of a breakthrough. If he’d explain his answer, she’d know best how to not only have him accept his little girl status, but to eventually prefer it as well.

“I like my blond hair and wearing a dress just like yours Mommy,” he said with a little smile, his face blushing. “I know boys aren’t supposed to like wearing dresses, but I can’t help it Mommy. I like my dresses and petticoats now.”

“Why sweetheart? Do you like looking like Mommy?”

“Yes, Mommy,” he answered. “Now I do.”

“What do you mean... ‘now you do’?”

“Well, when I first started being a girl, I thought you were being mean to me. And you’re always telling other ladies about me really being a boy.”

“Oh honey...” said Betsy, “I only tell other ladies about you because I’m so proud of my pretty girl. And I didn’t try to be mean to you dear...but I had to make you do it at first just so you’d see how nice it is to be a pretty girl. Why do you like looking like Mommy?”

“Because you’re so pretty, and you’re my mommy.”

“Do you love Mommy sweetheart?” asked Betsy, her eyes beginning to tear up.

“Yes Mommy,” he said. “And I like it when you kiss and hug me when I behave like a good girl.”

Betsy couldn’t stand it anymore! Her heart was over-flowing. She got up and went over to him and hugged his face to her breast. “Oh, sweetheart...Mommy loves you so much... And I really am proud of you dear. I don’t mean to embarrass you when I tell other ladies about you.”

“I don’t know why Mommy, but I don’t mind you telling them now.”

“Well darling,” said Betsy, “maybe that’s because you like being a girl now. You’ve made Mommy so happy! And you should be proud of how pretty you look now. There’s a lot of real girls that aren’t as pretty as you dear.”

With the abruptness of a child’s mind, he changed the subject to something else. “Are we still going shopping today Mommy?”

“Yes Beth,” said Betsy as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “Now go ahead and finish your breakfast dear. Mommy wants you to be a healthy little girl.”

“Mommy! Why are you crying?” he asked with alarm.

“Because I love you so much sweetheart. And you’ve made me so happy. It’s alright dear. Ladies sometimes cry a little when they’re very happy.” She bent down and hugged him to her again and kissed his cheek.

Later, as they were driving downtown, Betsy looked over at him with a smile. “Would you like Mommy to buy you a ‘poodle skirt’ Beth? A lot of girls are wearing them now. You’d look very cute wearing one.”

“Do they have a funny little dog on it Mommy?”

“Yes dear, and you’d look very cute wearing one with a pretty blouse or sweater. Alright sweetheart? We’ll get you a couple of petticoats to wear under it, too. We’ll have to get you some saddle shoes to wear with it, and white socks.”
Betsy parked her car near a department store she had never taken him to before. “This store isn’t just for little girls dear, but they do have a lovely girls department. Don’t forget to shake your skirts and petticoat when we get out, Beth.”

On the sidewalk, Betsy watched with a smile as he shook his dress and petticoat like she did. She enjoyed taking him shopping so much. It was another chance to show him off.

“Mommy, I don’t have a skirt on. I’m wearing a dress.”

“I know dear, but ladies sometimes call the bottom half of their dress ‘skirts’.  Now hold Mommy’s hand and we’ll go in the store.” She was glad she had painted his fingernails again before they left. She liked him to look like pretty girls should look in all areas of their appearance. They took the elevator up to the the women’s and girl’s department. Just as they got off the elevator a lady suddenly waved and called to Betsy.

“Betsy! Over here.”

“Look honey! There’s Mrs. Devlin, one of Mommy’s friends. Let’s say hello to her.” She held his hand as they walked over to a lady who looked older than Betsy.

Instead of a full dress and petticoats, she was wearing a gray suit dress, which did nothing for her, since she looked overweight, even with a corset. But she smiled brightly as they went over to her.

“Oh! It’s so good to see you Betsy,” said Mrs. Devlin as they put their cheeks together.

“How are you Faith?” asked Betsy.

“Fine dear,” she answered. “And who is this pretty little girl you have with you?”

“This is my little girl Beth,” said Betsy. “I want to buy her a poodle skirt today. The girls all look so cute in them.”

“Your little girl?!” said Faith. “Betsy, I’ve known you long enough to know you don’t have a little girl. Is she one of your neighbors’ girls?”

“Oh no!” said Betsy. “She used to be my little boy, but she’s my little girl now. Say hello to Mrs. Devlin sweetheart.”

“Hello Mrs. Devlin,” said Beth with a cute smile. He was beginning to like surprising ladies!

“My goodness! Aren’t you a pretty little girl!” said Faith as she bent down towards him with a big smile.

“Betsy! He’s soooo precious! How long have you been dressing him like a girl?”

“Ever since he started his school vacation for the summer,” said Betsy. “And he likes being my little girl now. Don’t you Beth?”

“Yes Mommy. I like being a girl a lot more than being a boy. Now I can wear pretty dresses like you do.”

“Betsy! He’s so sweet! I dressed my boy like a girl when he was younger, but he never liked it, so I stopped. I envy you so much!”

“A lot of ladies seem to, ”said Betsy. “He’s made me so happy. He behaves like a good little girl for Mommy now. Don’t you sweetheart?”

“Yes Mommy. It’s fun being a girl.”

“Oh! Wait til I tell Irene and Helen about him!” said Faith. “They’ll be bumping into each other all the way over to see him.”

“Yes, tell them to come over,” said Betsy. “I love showing off my pretty little girl.”

Suddenly Mrs. Devlin bent down and gave Beth a big hug and kissed his cheek.  "He’s so darling Betsy! I wish I could go shopping for him with you, but I have to be going. I’m having my hair done this morning.” She bent down to Beth again.

“I’ll come over and see you again sometime sweetheart,” said Faith as she gave him another hug and kissed his cheek. Betsy looked on with a hidden amusement, knowing what Beth would probably say when Faith left. After she said ‘goodbye’ and went her way, Betsy looked own at Beth.

“What do you think of Mrs. Devlin?” asked Betsy.

“Gosh Mommy! I thought she was going to crush me when she hugged me. And her perfume was so strong I couldn’t breathe!”
Betsy laughed a little. “Yes honey. Mrs. Devlin has a bit of a weight problem. I think she’s afraid she’ll perspire and offend people. So she uses a lot of perfume and powder. But she’s a nice lady. I bet she’ll visit us with a nice present for you soon. But being hugged and kissed by ladies is something pretty little girls have to expect sweetheart, even if the ladies aren’t as pretty as they should be.”

“She’s got two chins Mommy!” said Beth.

“Stop that Beth or you’ll get Mommy laughing in public,” said Betsy trying not to laugh out loud. ‘Children can be very direct’, thought Betsy with a grin.

“Now let’s go get you a cute poodle skirt honey. I think Mrs. Carter is bringing some nice pictures of us to the house this afternoon. We have to be home when she gets there.”

In the girl’s department, Betsy found the poodle skirts on a separate rack. She picked out a pink one and brought it to a saleslady.

“Could you check my little girl’s waist size for me?” she asked.

Soon Betsy and Beth were in a dressing room as she tried it on him, along with a pretty short sleeved white blouse. The collar and sleeves were trimmed with white lace, and buttoned up the back.

“That doesn’t feel too tight around your tummy, does it Beth?”

“No Mommy. Gosh! It’s a big skirt Mommy!”

“Yes honey. It’s what they call a circle skirt. It’s a very full skirt, but your petticoats will fill it out nice. Mommy’s going to get you some waist high petticoats for the summer dear. And some pretty camisoles, too. Let’s go look in the big mirror in the store now.”

When Beth saw himself in the poodle skirt and blouse, he made a big smile. “Gee Mommy! It’s just like the one a girl in school was wearing.”

“Do you like it dear?” asked Betsy.

“Yes Mommy. I want to wear the same things other girls wear. Why don’t you get one Mommy?” asked Beth.

“Well, I’d like to honey,” answered Betsy, “only poodle skirts aren’t really for ladies. But girls look very cute in them honey. Now we have to get you some saddle shoes to go with it. I don’t really like them, but they’re very popular with poodle skirts now.”

The saleslady came over to them as Beth looked in the mirror. “She looks darling in it!” she said with a nice smile.

“Yes, and the wide belt will hold her petticoats in place,” said Betsy.

They left the store with the skirt, some waist-high petticoats, a couple of camisoles, and the saddle shoes. As they walked back to the car, Beth skipped a few times on the sidewalk as he held Mommy’s hand. His dress and bouffant slip bounced up in front of him.

“You seem very happy today sweetheart,” said Betsy.

“Yes Mommy. Thank you for my new skirt and petticoats, and the camisoles.”

“You’re welcome honey,” said Betsy. “Mommy wants you to be a happy little girl.”

“I am Mommy,” said Beth with a big smile. It was at moments like these that Betsy knew she had done the right thing to make him be a little girl.

When they got home, Betsy had no sooner put Beth in her new poodle skirt, white petticoats and ankle socks, along with a training bra and white camisole under his white blouse, and the clunky looking saddle shoes, when they heard the  doorbell chimes.

“That must be Sally Carter with our pictures, honey. Go ahead downstairs and answer the door while I gather up the shopping bags and price tags. I’ll be down in a minute. Be careful on the stairs with your new shoes sweetheart.”

“Yes Mommy,” he said. Soon he opened the front door.

“Well, look at this pretty girl in her poodle skirt!” said Sally. “You look so sweet honey! Where’s your mommy Beth?”

“She’ll be down in a minute Mrs. Carter,” said Beth with a big smile. “Mommy just bought my poodle skirt for me, and some petticoats and things, too.”

“Oh, it’s very pretty dear. I bet you like it a lot.”

“Yes Mrs. Carter. I saw some other girls wearing poodle skirts. I’m glad I have one now, too. Mommy said you should come in and sit down.”

“Thank you precious,” said Sally, as she came in and sat down in a chair. She placed a large flat paper wrapped package against the side of her chair. “I’ve got something you and your mommy are going to love sweetheart!”

“Are they the pictures you took of Mommy and me?” asked Beth excitedly.

“Yes dear, but let’s wait til she joins us before I show them to you.” Then before Beth could sit down, Betsy came into the parlor.

“Sally! I was afraid we might miss you,” said Betsy. “We just got back from shopping. How do you like Beth’s poodle skirt? Isn’t it cute!”

“It’s adorable Betsy! And so full! How many petticoats is he wearing under it?”

“Just two,” said Betsy, “but being brand new, they’ll keep his skirt nice and poufy.”

“Well, let me show you the pictures of you two pretty girls,” said Sally. She took the large flat package from the side of her chair and took off the brown wrapping paper. When she held up the first big enlargement for them to see, Betsy fell in love with it! It was the one of Betsy and Beth sitting on the couch together. Betsy had her arm around Beth’s shoulders and Beth was leaning his head against the side of Betsy’s breast. Betsy had a nice smile on her face, and Beth did, too. White petticoats peeked from beneath their pink gingham ‘mother and daughter’ dresses.

“Oh! Look sweetheart! Isn’t that a pretty picture of us!”

“Yes Mommy,” said Beth. “I hope you hang it in here so everyone can see it when they visit us.”

“Yes honey. I will. It’s such a precious picture Sally! I can hardly wait to see the next one. Is it as big as this one?”

“Yes, but this one is in landscape position. The next one is in portrait position.” She held up the next picture showing Betsy and Beth standing together, with Betsy’s arm around Beth’s shoulders again, smiling down at her little girl, and Beth looking up and smiling at Mommy. The white scalloped lace hem of their bouffant slips showed a little below the hem of their dresses.

“There are two of this picture,” said Sally, and I also had them make some ten-by-fourteen copies for myself. They’re such darling pictures I wanted to have them to show my friends. I know they’ll love seeing them.”

“Sally, they really are beautiful,” said Betsy. “How large are these?”

“Forty by thirty inches,” replied Sally. “Special equipment is needed to get them this large. But I think they’ll be lovely here and in your bedroom.”

“I can’t thank you enough Sally!” said Betsy.

“I like them too, Mrs. Carter,” said Beth. “Thank you lots!”

“Well, two pretty girls should have nice pictures of themselves,” said Sally. “I think they’re classic ‘mother-and-daughter’ pictures. But I’m afraid I have to get going now. I’ll see you two pretty girls again soon.”

Betsy and Beth both thanked her again and said goodbye at the front door. Then Betsy turned to Beth.

“Honey, won’t it be nice to look up at the pictures now and then to see the two of us looking so nice in our pretty look-alike dresses?”

“Yes Mommy. I hope you hang them up soon.”

“I will sweetheart,” said Betsy. “Mommy loves them, too.”

“Mommy, your dress goes all the way past your knees,” said Beth. “But my dress doesn’t even reach my knees. Why is my dress so much shorter than yours Mommy?”

“Beth! That’s good that you notice things like that. Little girls should notice things about their pretty clothes. The reason that little girls have short dresses is so that their petticoats will show more often, especially when they’re sitting down. Little girls look so precious with their petticoats showing! That’s why they have shorter dresses honey. I bet you’re starting to like showing off your poufy slips and petticoats now. Aren’t you?”

Beth blushed, smiled shyly and squirmed around on the couch a little. “Is it alright for me to like doing that Mommy?”

“Yes sweetheart,” said Betsy as she bent down and gave Beth a little kiss on his cheek. You go right ahead and let ladies see your poufy slips and petticoats. All little girls do it because they like to have people see how pretty they look.”

“Gee Mommy!” said Beth. “It is fun being a girl! And I love my poodle skirt.”

Betsy smiled and gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. ‘He’s really my little girl now’, thought Betsy, and she loved Beth so much. She was the center of Betsy’s whole life now, and she wouldn’t have traded places with any other mother in the world.


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