Scenes from
Gone with the Wind

with Vivian Leigh

Printed here for review purposes only.

All copyrights honored and attributed to producers


A nice 19 MByte vidclip montage of 'hoopskirt heaven' from Celia 

(above) off-set during 1938 filming

(above) Publicity shot - enlargeable 

Crinolyn quotes from this YouTube entry:

"Here is my version of Scarlett's BBQ dress; as usual l took a while to make & tried to make it as close as possible to the original. The ruffles took ages to work out how to
do, & the only lady who could do them wouldn't tell.  Eventually, looking on the Internet, I found our how to do Spanish ruffles which looked similar...[Viola!]"

Here is an example from
a site devoted to the making of

Gone With the Wind
Here, Vivien Leigh

John N. 






Interesting picture of
Gone With the Wind extras

From Gerd    


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