AUDREY HEPBURN (possibly a West End) stage production of Gigi  (promotion pictures - all enlargeable)


"Clutching at Audrey straws," from Rhino

"I would draw your attention to the flash of white in the left bottom corner of the first picture. This could possibly be the result of the folds of a full skirt overlapping and
pushing the edge of her petticoat into view. I have certainly known other petticoats to have made an appearance in such circumstances. If only the camera had come back a bit.

"I've included the second picture, because although I've seen this pose before in the publicity material for Audrey's successful Broadway performance in Gigi, I've not
seen it with this background and caption before. The caption is great.  Similarly, but to a lesser degree, with the third image.  Just a tiny bit of petti showing in the fourth."

More Gigi pictures on The Pond's page.




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