50s British bombshell


Some enlargeable



Diana Dors (1956); but someone most definitely
touched up her pettis to make them fuller

From Joe A.   


Diana Dors, Brits answer
 to Jayne Mansfield, in
her great mermaid gown

Sylvia Marie



From an anonymous contributor:

"This, and the one on right, was taken by a friend who
worked in the studios while she was making the film
Value for Money
(1955). They were never used. "

(These truly seem revised!)



Here are historic photos of Diana Dors in her
mermaid gown, including one with her first
husband Dennis Hamilton and visiting the Queen

See 6 September    These, from Michelle




Joe A.:

 These are from over 100 negatives that I obtained from my late uncle, who had been a press photographer. To my great dismay, nearly all of the negatives were in terrible condition, many had been badly damaged from water after a fire  in his home in the early 1960s . A great pity, because most of the photos, from what I  can  see from the negatives, would have been truly breathtaking!. I have managed to “salvage” very few. Here, by the way, was what he told me about the photos:" 

In May 1958, I was asked to take some photographs of Diana Dors in her home. Diana at the time was enjoying great popularity in  England, the
“British Monroe”. I had photographed her before and she was a truly lovely person, who, despite her fame and success, was “Down to earth” and
a delight to be with. When I arrived at her home, Diana was dressed casually, in a dark green blouse and a full black and white polka-dot skirt, the very full skirts being in fashion in the late fifties. Diana offered me “a cup of tea”, and as she sat down on the settee opposite, I became “aware” that there were a lot of petticoats  beneath her skirt. Most photographers were still using black and white film, but I had started using colour.  The petticoats she was wearing were nylon net in a lovely shade of pink, with white frilly hems. Something I could see would contrast beautifully with the black skirt, but really wouldn’t “show” on black and white film. 

I suggested that as I photograph her, she should “play” with the skirt,  so that the petticoats would be visible. Diana was very obliging, and I
 proceeded to take about 100 photographs of her marvelous legs surrounded by petticoats, a very appealing sight!. Before I left Diana asked me
 to take one more shot, hitching up the skirt and petticoats just as I pressed the shutter!  Unfortunately, the photos were never used  for publication.

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