Petti Pictures



A few enlargeable

One of these contemporary gals is named Emma --
shows that the froufrou still lives in  many girls'
hearts, despite society's neglecting it.


(Ever notice how delighted little girls are when, these days rarely,
they are in full dresses with pettis? It's in the female DNA!)


Compliments Ian





Matt favors us with pictures of contemporary prom gowns, noting especially the very impressive black and white number.  The girls really enjoy them (and so do we!)


Click to enlarge





(above left) The important section of the picture can be accessed by clicking

(BELOW) Tessy tries not to post a lot of wedding and prom gowns that do not show pettis or the such,
but Matthew S.  has sent this special, prom gown pose -- the color combination is so exciting!

Below are three scenes we all would linger about for, glancing over, as if we were, say, waiting for a friend,
(con-tinually pretending to glance at our watch), or pretending to watch a bird, or something...are we not right?



Larry has provided a modern rendition of Vivian Leigh's Scarlett O'Hara barbecue gown from Gone with the Wind (1939)







An Hungarian gown

From Sugarbarre


Actually, what caught our eye was the gown in back, with the hoop pressing through



(BELOW) S.B.: "I found this picture on Google images search described as '...gowns in a Damascus market place.' 
May be of interest to Pettipond visitors, especially in contrast with recent Mideast activities."


Crisp, evening gown crinies
 (almost mermaid gown-ish!)


Courtesy Jennifer H.








...a most incredible Quinceañera gown (video)


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