Gleaned from 'Smatterings' more than ten years old

Old Bulletin Board

Some interesting anonymous GG comments, the sentiments of which most of us probably share:

"When I was in first grade, the teacher gave us (or at least the girls in our class) a note that said they were now allowed to wear "slacks" to school. I thought at the time it must have something to do with the weather, as it was getting colder and, if I recall correctly, some of the girls had worn pants to school already. Years later, though, I found out that the state supreme court had the year I started first grade ruled in a lawsuit brought by a high school girl that rules requiring girls to wear dresses to school were unconstitutional. (I don't know if the rule violated the state or the U.S. constitution; my guess is that it didn't really violate either, but that some judge(s) decided it did.)

I believe that many (not all, of course) of the social and criminal problems in our schools can be attributed at least in part to the fact that girls are allowed to dress just about any damn well they please--like boys (="death of femininity"), like hookers, like who-knows-what. Girls who dress like boys tend to act like them, and girls who dress like whores tend to act like them. Moreover, boys who see girls dressed in either way will see no reason to respect them as girls or young women, at least in a lot of cases. (Of course, it doesn't help that a lot of boys go to school wearing gang apparel or otherwise dressed like trash, as well.)

I'm not all that much in favor of school uniforms; I like for kids to have the opportunity to express some of their individuality in the way they dress. But I think some reasonable restrictions (e.g., skirts or dresses for girls; shirts with collars for boys; clean and not torn clothes for both sexes) would prevent a lot of problems and not violate anyone's rights."


Of Interest on Father's Day!

Excerpt from "American Caesar" by William Manchester
Chapter Six - "The Green War"  page 319

Douglas MacArthur was probably the most controversial generals the world has ever know, and most certainly one of America's much loved and greatest.  His son, Arthur IV, was his impressionable young boy.  This excerpt depicts his son during the MacArthurs' stay in Australia in 1942 after being pushed from the Philippines  by the Japanese.  Would'st more parents be so tolerant.

"After watching a ballet performance, he told [his governess] Ah Cheu he wanted to become a ballerina.  She made him a costume with danseuse's pumps.  He danced in it for weeks.  There were many wartime weddings in Brisbane then, and his mother took him to several.  After one, he told his governess that he wanted to become a bride.  Out came his amah's needle  again, and when MacArthur returned to Lennon's that evening, his son greeted him gowned, veiled, and trailing satin. He
tossed his father a bouquet of daisies. The general caught it and laughed."


John writes:

"CD-ers may find it useful to consult the 30-second flow chart at The Fashion Calculator ( to match one's best fashion style with one's unique body type (for example, what looks best with "tall and plump," or "tall and skinny," etc.).  It's completely free, and it's a permanent URL."


Michael writes:

"Here's a link at to a German-American square dance club that features many ladies in pettis."


Mike X. writes:

"I would highly recommend the stage show Ballet Folklorico de Mexico to any petticoat lovers.  Almost every dance features twirling skirts with lacy petticoats.  As an added bonus this is a wonderfully entertaining show: very upbeat and colorful. Also many Latinas attend and I must say they dress much sexier than their Gringa counterparts.  I saw more than a few glimpses of lacy slips peeking from under a dress. They are a touring company and perform all over the US." 


Wendy Pettigrew writes:

"Here's a pattern site I've found which I think you might like:"



Idea compliments of Wendy Pettigrew


From Gunnar:

Harvest Moon Ball images:


Crinolyn has provided this link of interest:


Rosie sends this URL of interest:


A Poufie writes:

"Check out the Additional Features on the Princess Diaries DVD.
They have Anne Hathaway in a cute little 'Genovean' Heidi-type dress."


Norm sends this interesting article:


Ed writes:

"Just a heads-up about an ad I saw on TV for Dr. Pepper (2003) - setting was obviously a 50's rock party.  Lots of poufy skirts and petticoats, and guys who reminded me of Buddy Holly!  Some pretty good views. But as they do in TV ads, their effort seems to be to flash as much as possible at your eyes, then hit you with the 'buy this'.  Not really enough time on any one shot to be able to enjoy it. Nice segment though.   And frankly, I don't remember seeing stuff (views) like that at 50's parties - at least not the ones I was allowed to attend.  Hopefully someone will snag an .mpg or .avi ! 


Janet writes:

"Has anyone seen the Designing Women show that is set at Christmas time (2003)?  Charlene is wearing a very pretty black dress with a long full skirt.  When she sets down she is wearing a red petticoat under it.  Wow.  That was  on a couple of weeks ago but I can still see every move she made that revealed that red petticoat."  [If  anyone sees this, a clip would be wonderful!]



"A few days ago I decided to try something all us serious Poufies have heard about, the old 1950s practice of using sugar water to stiffen petticoats that have gone soft.  OH MY GOD, I could not believe what a difference it made!   And it is holding!

   Used a big cooking pot, about a pound of sugar, hot (but not boiling) water until the sugar was dissolved. Dunked three pettis in it, allowed them to drain some into a towel, then popped into the dryer for a few minutes.  These were all three net pettis, and all three of them are easily as stiff as new." 

Ed: Works nicely, but don't leave your pettis out where ants can get to them - stories of picnics ruined by such abound!


For you  who would like to have a direct link from your desktop to Petticoat Pond, with an appropriate PP icon:

1. Bring up PP on your browser.
2. Make PP a "Favorite" or "Bookmark".  Crinolyn has taught Tessy how to  put code in the site so that making PP a "Favorite" or "Bookmark" will do that with a little PP icon next to it.
3. Reduce the size of  your browser so you can drag the icon to it.
4. Drag the icon from the "Favorite" or "Bookmark" section to your desktop.
5. Viola! Now you can get here quicker!


 Ian link: Square Dance Can Can



Ian offers this movie:

Click on picture,  then go to left hand side to download movie in different formats: mpeg, QuickTime, etc. It is a large file but well worth it...

Very classy -- Harry James music from the forties accompanies a delicious lady removing
her petticoat and then putting on a bustier.


Simon writes:

"I have been interested in inflatable skirts dresses for some time -- ages ago I got hold of my big aunt's underskirts, so I got 2 of them, stitched them together and inserted a huge trash bag in between the petticoats. I then used an air compressor to blow up the bag; the result was pretty good -- the underskirt became fully inflated-- it was really fat and round, so much so I couldn't get through the doorway.  Oh, well!!  When I sat down, the petticoat swallowed me up! What you could also do is put 2 underskirts together and somehow coat the inside with a rubber solution, thus making it airtight, the ideas you put across are very good."


Crinolyn writes in February, 2005:

Are they returning? I don't think they ever left, the designers have been sneaking in petticoated fashion all along! The reason is that they see that hidden inside every woman is the urge to wear a petticoated fashion item, if not every day, then at least once in a while. Just to remind the world that they are female.

We respond:

The question is not whether they are returning (the designers never left them), but are they returning to everyday life? - The answer appears to be 'NO.' Women may love them, but are not willing to "put up" with them. Tessy knows of only one gal that wears them on an everyday basis, and that is Allison, our Pond Girl next door!, and she gets limited appreciation from all but the most avid Poufie.  So: Why SHOULD women wear them?


Eleanor, also in February, 2005 (re: above):

"I am happy to report evidence to the contrary here in Hong Kong.  Skirts are everywhere.  Many are conservative for school or office, but others are for dress up or just for fun and have flounces or tiered layers and lace.  The best are very feminine of sheer fabrics and look more like petticoats or slips than skirts.  And most, whether sheer or not, have petticoats peeking out below the hem, or at least the suggestion of them. 

"Hong Kong is a wonderful place and will become more so when the weather improves and spring fashions appear. The skirts on display in shop windows are breathtaking and I must send photos.  I believe that Hong Kong has entered a thrilling new era in feminine fashions, and sadly I will have to leave by the time the loveliest skirts and petticoats are in full bloom.  To prove my point, I attach two items from The South China Morning Post that appeared in the last three days."


June Flowers: "A spectacular little prom movie I found:"


A couple of URLS from the "good old days" proms, courtesy Gunnar:   #1    #2


These are all marching bands or dancing groups, all of which display at least a glimpse of pettis -
however, some are more apparent then others, and some you must search for:

Select "Galerie"


Wendy writes:

"Just happened to come across this site, more inside the galleries:



"Check out this site complete with pictures and videos:" 


Here is a letter from a French girl 
(very loosely translated):

"I am Lisette Esselt, a small French lady who very much appreciates your site. I send a pretty picture to you. I would like much to come into contact  with amateurs of a similar interest. Can you make known to them my email address?  
I thank you."

[email protected]   


Elizabeth writes:

Here is a scan of an obituary which ran in yesterday's San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper.  Ordinarily I don't read the obits, but for some reason I did yesterday.  It was just as well. 

I don't know if things like this are something you wish to put on the "Updates" page, but because of Ms. Stillman's production - and success - with petticoats, I thought it something which should be sent your way.  Recognizing those who have gone before us, and especially considering she was a GG who created petticoats ( ! ), I think something should be done. The fourth paragraph, which spans the two columns, has the pertinent information for all petticoat lovers.