(Text under picture)

A few words about myself....

Petticoats, frills, nylons, heels,...in fact, if it's feminine I love it!

I still have very clear memories of living in Scotland in the early sixties, a time when girls wore very bright colours, petticoats, bows and frills. Boys meanwhile, wore "sober" greys and browns - it always seemed to me that girls had more fun.......

Anyway, I won't bore you with my past other than to say that I was married for fifteen years before I confessed my desires to my wife, and although she was
a little shocked at first, has tried very hard to understand me. She is a most wonderfully loving girl who doesn't always like to see me "dressed" but is
always there to act as "cover" when I'm out buying feminine attire, and has even taught me to sew. (I think I'm one of the lucky ones!)

I don't have a huge amount of outfits, but what I do have I made myself, that way I get exactly what I want at quite a reasonable cost.  Just about all of my outfits are poufy...square dance, fifties etc., and of course, what CD would be complete without a maid's outfit!

The days of me trying to figure out why I'm this way are over, I accept what I am and have stopped worrying about why.

I love to hear from other Poufies, so if you want to e-mail me I'm at [email protected] ,so do write if you have time and tell me where you are...you never know, we may know each other!

And if it's hate mail, don't bother yourself because it won't help you and certainly won't change me!

I'll try to post more pictures soon.



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