(Text under pictures)
Hi, my name
is Trudy Lorrette!
I've been dressing for years, but only started going out three years ago. First
discovered my love of petties when I found a few in an old case in the loft … I
was about twelve.. Tried them on, hmm, a funny feeling in my boy bits! And that
was it… Hooked!
Over the years, I've been a secret dresser at home, mostly girlie underwear… A
few dresses followed, then, discovered make-up, wigs, and the thrill of stepping
out onto the street. But, I'll always have my first love of petties
to thank for starting me on the road to cross-dressing. At last, I feel I've
taken a couple of piccies, worthy of sending to Petticoat Pond. A
site I've held in great affection since I first went on-line, and discovered,
I'm not alone.
Thank you all,
Trudy Lorrette