on Petticoat Pond
WARNING! The method described below is dangerous. You could be badly burned. Read all the
dye manufactures directions carefully and follow them exactly. I use the top of the stove method
with the powdered dye that is mixed with hot water. I use a candy thermometer to be sure the
dye solution temperature is correct . After you've used a thermometer for monitoring dye
temperature NEVER! use it for cooking or any other use that could result in people ingesting any
remnants of the dye which may remain on the thermometer. The water and your stove will be very
hot; you could be badly burned if you aren't very careful.
<<<<<<<<<<PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!>>>>>>>>>>
It's important to use a pot or pan large enough so the garment will fit with the prescribed amount of
water and still have lots of room to stir without splashing the hot dye solution out of the pot or pan.
Try it out by putting the garment in the pot or pan you intend to use along with the right amount of
clear cool water. Try stirring and see if you think you've got enough room. Stirring is important:
You must get all the fabric exposed equally to the die. If you don't the garment will have various
shades of the color across its surface instead of being a single uniform shade. It is common for
lingerie to be made of many kinds of fabric like lycra, nylon tricot, and polyester all in the same
garment. Not all fabrics take dye the same way. You may find some fabrics in the garment turning
out different shades or not taking the dye at all. Dyeing seems to be hard on chiffon. I have found
that when I dye chiffon petti's, the texture (feel) of the fabric becomes more coarse. When you're
done with the actual dye part of the operation. Rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, get the idea?
When you've rinsed enough, the water will no longer be getting colored by the dye. Things that
have been dyed with a dark color like red or black have a problem where some of the dye will bleed
out of the fabric every time you wash it. I recommend you wash items that have been dyed a dark
color by themselves. Otherwise you will stain your other lingerie you wash with them.